SEEDS Archives

April 2007


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Sarah Elizabeth Wilkins <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Seeds Volunteer Program <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Apr 2007 23:01:00 -0400
text/plain (40 lines)
Hey Volunteers!

Interested in volunteering at any of these events?  We would love the  
help!  Plus, they're going to be a blast...

Please let me know if you are willing to volunteer and the hour(s) you  
could devote!  If interested in the Healthy Kids Day event on  
Saturday, please email me with times ASAP.  If interested in the Earth  
Day Fair, please email me by this Friday.

Healthy Kids Day
April 14th 10-2 pm
Every year the YMCA hosts a Healthy Kids Day and this year they are  
planning on having a gardening activity where the kids can plant a  
seed in a little hand painted terracota pot.  The YMCA has asked SEEDS  
to take part in this event and bring our own activity!  We plan on  
playing a game related to flower life cycles...Heather and I are  
putting something together.  All you have to do is show up!
Here's who's signed up so far...
Sarah 10-?
Heather 12:30-2
Erica 10-?
Mary ?
Richard ?

Earth Day Fair
April 19th 10-2 pm
Every year UVM has an Earth Day Fair with various vendors and  
activities for Earth Day!  In order to promote SEEDS, we are having  
terracota pot painting and seed planting, chia pet caterpillars, and  
papermaking.  We will need volunteers to help run the table and talk  
to visitors about the great work SEEDS does.

SO...Please let me know ASAP whether or not you'd like to attend  
either of these awesome events.

Have a great night!
