SEEDS Archives

February 2012


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Sarah Scheinfeld <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Seeds Volunteer Program <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Feb 2012 21:29:56 -0500
text/plain (28 lines)
Hey SEEDlingS!!

We hope that everyone has settled in to their new schedules this semester and is ready 
to get started with SEEDS!!!  Maggie and I are certainly pumped and have some exciting 
ideas brewing!  Check out the important happenings below!!  We can't wait to see all of 
you again and meet some new people as well!!

1. Our first meeting will be next week on Thursday February 9th at 7:00 PM in the Spruce 
Room on the fourth floor of the Davis Center.  

2. If you are a returning SEEDS member and have not emailed us your availability this 
semester please do so before our meeting if you want to be matched with a school for 
this semester!

3. If you are a new SEEDS member you need to fill out our application so that we can 
appropriately match you with a partner and a school!  It shouldn't take very long and just 
helps us get to know you better so we can make sure you have the best experience 
possible!  Attached is the application -- please fill one out and email it back to both 
Maggie and Sarah ([log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]) by February 8th.

Lastly, SEEDS is a commitment.  Our schools rely on us to be there once a week for an 
hour.  Please be sure you can make this commitment before you send us your 
application.  If you have any further questions about how SEEDS works definitely email 
us!!  We would love to answer your questions!!  See you Thursday the 9th!!!

Sarah and Mags