SGA Archives

November 1996


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David Tepper <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:55:29 -0500 (EST)
TEXT/PLAIN (56 lines)

Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone is not subscribed to the SGA list 
processor?  If you know of anyone that is not on it, please let me know. 

I think I am missing one or two.  It says 39, but Sally and some other 
staff are on it also.... I know Jaroslav (spelling?) isn't on the list, 
so if anyone knows her e-mail address...

Thanks in advance...DJT

PS: The SGA Forum is Wed at 8 pm, I hope you are all talking it up!!!

--- Here is the current list of all subscribers:

[log in to unmask]                      Jason Fitzgerald
[log in to unmask]                      Joshua Van Kirk
[log in to unmask]                         Kristin Ely
[log in to unmask]                                Jennifer Higa
[log in to unmask]                             Binh Douglas
[log in to unmask]                             Sarah Edwards
[log in to unmask]                              Karen Howard
[log in to unmask]                               James Pike
[log in to unmask]                               Jessica Cooke
[log in to unmask]                               Kelly Burke
[log in to unmask]                              Haynes Young
[log in to unmask]                             Richard Spaulding
[log in to unmask]                             Robert Pontbriand
[log in to unmask]                             Lauren Zidovsky
[log in to unmask]                              Leslie Rempel
[log in to unmask]                             Sarah McDowell
[log in to unmask]                               Lindsay O'Neil
[log in to unmask]                             Jen Coggiola
[log in to unmask]                             Phillip Silverman
[log in to unmask]                             Sally Jourdan
[log in to unmask]                                Sam Chen
[log in to unmask]                               Mia Plehn
[log in to unmask]                             Sari Epstein
[log in to unmask]                              Andrew Brown
[log in to unmask]                               Pat Brown
[log in to unmask]                             Jason Robinson
[log in to unmask]                               Jen Prevo
[log in to unmask]                              David Tepper
[log in to unmask]                               Natalie Cater
[log in to unmask]                                Rachael Dyer
[log in to unmask]                             Michael Spector
[log in to unmask]                              Jennifer Barnes
[log in to unmask]                             Jennifer Anderson
[log in to unmask]                             Bridgette Remington
[log in to unmask]                               Andrew Grant
[log in to unmask]                             Colin Moffett
[log in to unmask]                              Kristen Holway
[log in to unmask]                              Stephanie Corley
Total number of subscribers: 39 (39 shown here)