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March 1999


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Student Government Association News and Issues <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 19:58:50 -0500
Sheila Nguyen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
University of Vermont
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (8 lines)
Hey guys!
SOrry for not e-mailin for soo long, but at the moment we're trying to
get some money and stuff like that.. anyways, this week is the America
East Championship Women's Basketball games... and sinceUVM is hosting
and we're UVM students we should be there! SO get in your Catamount gear
and go to the games- contact the Ticket office for tickets 6-4410. On
the 6th the game will be broadcasted on ESPN!!! Wooh-hoo! SHeila