SGA Archives

September 1995


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Rebecca Carter <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Sep 95 19:13:38 -2400
text/plain (71 lines)

The Associated Students of the University of Arizona are working hard 
this semester in to have the results of teacher evaluations made 
available to students.  We are currently researching the ways other 
student governments have dealt with this issue, and would really 
appreciate your input.  Please take a few minutes to answer the following 
questions, or forward them to someone who can:

1.	Do students at your university do campus-wide teacher evaluations?
IF YES...

2.	Are these evaluations standardized across the campus, or are they done 	
individually by departments?
	Does a single unit on campus take care of printing, distribution, 	
collection and evaluation of evaluations, or do departments do this on 	
their own?

3.	Who is evaluated (graduate teaching assistants, new instructors, non-	
tenured instructors, tenured professors?)

4.	Are evaluations voluntary or mandatory?  If voluntary, how many 	agree 
to do them?

5.	Are the evaluation results open to administrative or public review, or 	
are they only used within the departments? 

6.	Can students gain access to the results of evaluations?  Are they 	
available on a widespread basis?  If so, how is this accomplished (i.e. 	
published booklets, available by request from the department, in the 	
library, etc.)?

7.	How long has this information been available?  

8.	What is the history or evolution of their availability?  Who wanted 
them 	published?  Who opposed it and why?

9.	Was there a legal battle to get them published?  What happened?

10.	Has your decision to publish them been guided by a state or 
institutional 	policy or case law?  Which one?

IF NO...

2.	Has there been discussion of this issue?

3.	If evaluations are done and results are not available to students, why 	

4.	Have there been attempts to make them available?  By whom?

5.	Who opposes making them available?  On what grounds?

6.	Has legal action been attempted or threatened?  On what basis?

Thank you very much for your assistance!  If you have any questions about 
our questions or ASUA in general, or would like a copy of the results of 
our research, please drop me an e-mail.  I look forward to hearing from 

Rebecca Carter
ASUA Administrative Assistant (and graduate student!)