So sorry to miss it this year. Always such a pleasure to get together with all of you but I'm afraid there is way to much powder here in Valemount that still needs packing down. We've been at it every day for the last week and it seems to magically replenish every night. Just when you think it is under control it starts snowing again. Sure could use some help.
Hope to see you next year.
From: Vermont Skiing Discussion and Snow Reports [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Brad McCusker [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 11:59 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [SKIVT-L] Partee 2012?
Is there a SKIVT-L posting hall of fame? Cuz surely this one belongs in
Justin - absolutely brilliant - thanks for the smiles.
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Justin Woods wrote:
> Oh, such a St'oh-centric world view, D3K.
> I don't blame you for being young and childless, living large and
> being myopic, but at least as many of His Plaidness' minions -- I dare
> say even many more -
> - ply the frozen waters in the MRV and (many) points south. On the
> contrary, I salute you St'oh boys for your hutzpah, your miles, and
> your big fat fun ever-snowy MTN.
> But what you have to realize from your promontory perch is that the
> unwashed masses that comprise the layers of SkiVT are onion-esque.
> Perhaps Mani is the center -- indeed the Partee is always held at
> St'oh -- but the orbits are mult-layered.
> Everything surely radiates out from the Grand Old Mtn., north to the
> bastard son, Smuggs, megalomaniacal Jay; south to stepson Bolt'uhn, to
> boyz in the hood MRG + S'bush, then to Kmart, Snow, WaWa, Whitegrass,
> Dubai; east to the Whites; west to the 'Daks and beyond (I love that
> if you're from Colorado, you're still a flatlander by old timey VT
> standards). Even Chruschch seems to mysteriously chime in from Zion
> (AKA VT West). And then there are the Mass./Conn/MD cubicle dwellers
> who lurk into your phantasy photos and can only dream and drool, as if
> they can once a year rub elbows with the St'oh guys who post
> day-to-day reports of phenomenal sn'ow at $T'0H!!
> Heck, there are 464 subscribers (not to mention bazillions of web
> browsers) to SkiVT, which by the way TOTALLY p0wns the SCA Forum for
> Research in Medieval and Renaissance Re-enactment (at a mere 86
> dwellers). No, ScottyB, I do not blame you for ignoring the other 452
> of us who do not regularly shred the gnar at St'OOOh, but I do implore
> you to recognize that we are a vital electronic/virtual ski force
> contingency who may or may not show up at your mountain next week.
> Finally, I leave you with the OFFICIAL SKIVT PARTEE PROCESS (as I
> understand it):
> 1. someone mentions it.
> 2. a few more people mention it.
> 3. Finally, someone asks Wesley if he'll be doing anything.
> 4. Wesley is initially silent (as if he never lurks on his own
> FrankenSKi).
> 5. Wesley demures, saying something like "I'm not sure if anyone loves
> me here anymore."
> 6. Everyone says, "we love you, Wesley."
> 7. Wesley is silent for several days.
> 8. More emphatic pleas to his Corona of Crosshatches
> 9. Finally, oh Jah yes, finally, Wesley emerges, saying, "OK, OK, I
> guess I'll do it. Does anyone want to have a Partee?"
> 10. The crowd goes wild, chanting "WES-LEY... WES-LEY"
> Can we just skip to 8 or 9 this year, Wes?
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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