Is there a SKIVT-L posting hall of fame? Cuz surely this one belongs in
Justin - absolutely brilliant - thanks for the smiles.
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Justin Woods wrote:
> Oh, such a St'oh-centric world view, D3K.
> I don't blame you for being young and childless, living large and
> being myopic, but at least as many of His Plaidness' minions -- I dare
> say even many more -
> - ply the frozen waters in the MRV and (many) points south. On the
> contrary, I salute you St'oh boys for your hutzpah, your miles, and
> your big fat fun ever-snowy MTN.
> But what you have to realize from your promontory perch is that the
> unwashed masses that comprise the layers of SkiVT are onion-esque.
> Perhaps Mani is the center -- indeed the Partee is always held at
> St'oh -- but the orbits are mult-layered.
> Everything surely radiates out from the Grand Old Mtn., north to the
> bastard son, Smuggs, megalomaniacal Jay; south to stepson Bolt'uhn, to
> boyz in the hood MRG + S'bush, then to Kmart, Snow, WaWa, Whitegrass,
> Dubai; east to the Whites; west to the 'Daks and beyond (I love that
> if you're from Colorado, you're still a flatlander by old timey VT
> standards). Even Chruschch seems to mysteriously chime in from Zion
> (AKA VT West). And then there are the Mass./Conn/MD cubicle dwellers
> who lurk into your phantasy photos and can only dream and drool, as if
> they can once a year rub elbows with the St'oh guys who post
> day-to-day reports of phenomenal sn'ow at $T'0H!!
> Heck, there are 464 subscribers (not to mention bazillions of web
> browsers) to SkiVT, which by the way TOTALLY p0wns the SCA Forum for
> Research in Medieval and Renaissance Re-enactment (at a mere 86
> dwellers). No, ScottyB, I do not blame you for ignoring the other 452
> of us who do not regularly shred the gnar at St'OOOh, but I do implore
> you to recognize that we are a vital electronic/virtual ski force
> contingency who may or may not show up at your mountain next week.
> Finally, I leave you with the OFFICIAL SKIVT PARTEE PROCESS (as I
> understand it):
> 1. someone mentions it.
> 2. a few more people mention it.
> 3. Finally, someone asks Wesley if he'll be doing anything.
> 4. Wesley is initially silent (as if he never lurks on his own
> FrankenSKi).
> 5. Wesley demures, saying something like "I'm not sure if anyone loves
> me here anymore."
> 6. Everyone says, "we love you, Wesley."
> 7. Wesley is silent for several days.
> 8. More emphatic pleas to his Corona of Crosshatches
> 9. Finally, oh Jah yes, finally, Wesley emerges, saying, "OK, OK, I
> guess I'll do it. Does anyone want to have a Partee?"
> 10. The crowd goes wild, chanting "WES-LEY... WES-LEY"
> Can we just skip to 8 or 9 this year, Wes?
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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