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July 1999, Week 5


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Kathleen Bauman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Skiing Discussion and Snow Reports <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 21:07:29 EDT
text/plain (37 lines)
Don't know if such a thread is old and tired but what songs do
skivittlers like to have playing through their heads whilst enjoying
their favorite downhill glisse activities?

Last year's one and only day at Stowe for me, the annual SkiVt shindig,
was made all the better by a funky little song with a perfect laid back
rhythm that pulsed through my head all day long, esp. in those glorious
little spots in the upper Nosedive woods.  Can't remember the name,
but I heard it for the first time the night before during a one hour ski
show (the one hosted by Kristen Ulmer) and then again on the
way to the mtn. that morning.  They played on the Burlington "alternative"
station for a couple weeks but haven't heard it since April.
Maybe someone can help me with the name.
It may be called "Monkey Boy" or something (not to be confused
with "Tarzan Boy" from the 80s, by the very talented group Baltimora, and
made famous by those endearing Listerine ads with the computer-animated
mouthwash bottle swinging from jungle vines, but I digress...).  The lyrics
mention Chewbacca and this poor guy's wife's nose looking like Bill
Cosby's and how he hasn't brushed his teeth since '83 and the refrain
has the poor gent asking "Why's everyone always picking on me?"  What's
the name and group?

My long time favorites for skiing rhythm, however, are "Message In a Bottle"
and "Hoedown" by Emerson, Lake and Palmer.  "Goin' Mobile" by the Who
also gets in my head sometimes, but that's more of a driving song.
Any favorites ski tunes out there in sweltering summer skivt land?

Just wonderin'.....
Jim, cleverly disguised as Kathleen, B. who drives by a gorgeous view
of Jay Peak everyday to and from work and wishes its slopes were
white instead of green. Sigh...

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