Hi James,
That sounds great! You can let us know any time up to (and including) the 2nd. We just wanted to get an approximation, no rush on the specifics. Thanks for letting me know!
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 20, 2013, at 9:03 PM, "James P.E. Hardy" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> Unsure as yet, but I expect we'll be looking to send between 6 and 10 teams, depending on how hectic exames get for people. We'll be confirming as soon as possible, although possibly on the 2nd Dec itself - would that be ok?
> James
> James
> Quoting Russell Leibowitz <[log in to unmask]>:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> We're looking forward to seeing you all this December 7th and 8th. We've
>> been seeing an increase in interest in the IV this year and we're hoping to
>> start to get a good idea of how many teams will be attending. While this is
>> by no means required, we would appreciate it if schools could send in an
>> approximation of how many teams they'll be sending so we can plan housing
>> and food accordingly. Those numbers can of course be changed until
>> registration closes on Monday December 2nd. Thanks for your help!
>> If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
>> [log in to unmask]
>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Russell Leibowitz <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> Two quick updates:
>>> 1) We're happy to announce that Brad Burns will be the second DCA for our
>>> tournament. Brad is a 2012 Yale IV Quarterfinalist, a 2013 North American
>>> Championship Octofinalist and a 2013 HWS Finalist.
>>> 2) The schedule for the tournament is below:
>>> SATURDAY (December 7)
>>> 8:30 ? 9:15 Breakfast
>>> 9:30 ? 11:30 Round 1
>>> 11:45 ? 1:45 Round 2
>>> 1:45 - 2:30 Lunch
>>> 2:30 - 4:30 Round 3
>>> 4:45 ? 6:45 Round 4
>>> 6:45 ? 7:30 Dinner
>>> 7:30 ? 9:30 Round 5
>>> SUNDAY (December 8)
>>> 8:00 ? 9:30 Breakfast
>>> 9:45 ? 11:45 Round 6
>>> 11:45 ? 12:30 Lunch/Awards
>>> 12:30 ? 2:30 Semis/Novice Finals
>>> 2:45 Finals
>>> As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email us at
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Russell Leibowitz <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>>>> The Brandeis Academic Debate and Speech Society is pleased to invite you
>>>> to the second annual Brandeis Intervarsity Debate Tournament, to be held
>>>> this coming December 7th and 8th at Brandeis University in Waltham, MA.
>>>> Competition
>>>> The tournament will consist of six rounds of British Parliamentary debate
>>>> with seven minute speaking times, followed by a break to varsity semis* and
>>>> novice** finals. The first five rounds will offer open adjudication from
>>>> our illustrious panels of judges with the precise schedule being posted
>>>> shortly.
>>>> Our adjudication team will be led by none other than Shengwu Li, who was
>>>> top speaker and a finalist at Koc Worlds, won the 2009 European
>>>> Universities Debating Championship and has CA'd a number of prominent
>>>> tournaments including the 2013 EUDC. He will be joined by *Ben Kornfeld,* a
>>>> semifinalist at Bostwana Worlds, winner and top speaker of the 2013 USU
>>>> Debating Championships, a two-time Oxford IV semifinalist and an HWS
>>>> Invitational finalist. Our second DCA will be announced shortly.
>>>> Tab will be run by Steve Llano. Steve is the current Director of the St.
>>>> John?s Debate Society, and has tabbed tournaments throughout the United
>>>> States in recent years.
>>>> While we plan on assembling a fantastic judging pool full of some of the
>>>> best judges in North America, we still plan on imposing an N-1 judging
>>>> requirement on all participating schools. If you will have any problems
>>>> meeting this requirement, let us know.
>>>> Food and Entertainment
>>>> We will be offering all five meals over the course of the tournament
>>>> (breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on
>>>> Sunday).
>>>> We are extremely well-known for our top notch parties at our annual APDA
>>>> tournament, and you can bet that the Brandeis IV will be no different on
>>>> Saturday night!
>>>> Housing and Accommodations
>>>> We have negotiated a deal with the Courtyard Marriott Waltham: $109 a
>>>> night for a room with either two queen beds or a room with a king bed and a
>>>> pull-out couch. To book, you can give them a call at (866) 296-2285.
>>>> Just mention the name of our group: ?Academic Debate?.
>>>> We will also offer crash housing to anyone who needs it; simply note in
>>>> your registration email whether or not you will require crash housing.
>>>> Registration
>>>> Registration will be $125 per team, and $110 for teams from Canada, south
>>>> of New York City, or west of Buffalo. Additionally, we will offer a $10
>>>> break per team if you pay in cash. We do have a pay to play policy, so
>>>> please come to the tournament with cash or check in hand. Additionally,
>>>> schools that fail to meet the N-1 requirement will be assessed a $50 fee
>>>> per missing judge.
>>>> To register, email [log in to unmask] with the following
>>>> information:
>>>> -Names of debaters (please note novice status where applicable)
>>>> -Names of judges (if you aren?t sure whether we will know them, please
>>>> include any relevant experience)
>>>> -Phone number of a contact person from your school
>>>> -Number of people requiring crash housing (if applicable)
>>>> -Any dietary restraints or other concerns
>>>> We appreciate pre-reg with an approximate number of expected teams as
>>>> early as possible. That said, the registration deadline will be 11:59 PM on
>>>> Monday, December 2.
>>>> Contact
>>>> For any general questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to shoot an
>>>> email to [log in to unmask]
>>>> Thanks to all, and we look forward to hosting you in Waltham this
>>>> December!
>>>> Russell Leibowitz, Mike Abrams and Veronica Saltzman
>>>> Tournament Directors, 2013 Brandeis IV
>>>> * We reserve the right to break to quarters if the number of teams and
>>>> judges allow.
>>>> ** ?Novice? is defined as any debater in their first year of college
>>>> debate, regardless of style.