We don't have tech worksheets, we have questionnaires and drawings. Yes they are part of the study within the synapse system and therefore part of the medical record, however , not part of the final report.
They can be accessed. The date is on the questionnaires and drawings and the date and time the test is completed as well as the technologist is electronically noted.
I am very interested in anyone out there using the Prosolv program with the Parks Flo Lab and Sonova E program. Can you email me directly?
Thank you
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-----Original Message-----
From: UVM Flownet [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Sharla F.
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 6:24 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Technologist worksheets
Looking for the following information on technologist worksheets :
- Are they included as part of the patient's medical record?
- Does your facility require date/time in addition to signature?
- If not, what are the reasons provided for not doing so?
Thanks for any feedback in advance!
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