I think that call for RVT's is very abused. I agree that ER docs call the techs in for
nonacute venous tests, and cardiologists even call in techs for venous tests on
patients with pedal edema that is clearly due to CHF and elevated right heart and
central venous pressures - patients which have no leg pain and no DVT symptoms.
I have a friend who works at a vascular lab at a hospital in Indiana. His
administration wants to start call and laid a big guilt trip on the techs, that "we are
all family here at this institution" and that the techs should have a sense of duty to
the institution and the patients. A couple of techs quit instead of assuming call
I am somewhat more fortunate. I currently work for a multispecialty outpatient
vascular lab and mobile service. We have dc'd call due to the incredible expenditure
to keep techs on call and we can't justify it with layoffs and downsizing that
happened slightly over a year ago. No more call for me. I vow to myself
(hopefully, if I have my choice) to NEVER pull call again if I can help it.
Scott Miller
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