July 1996


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"Michael A. Ricci" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Jul 1996 23:31:14 -0400 (EDT)
TEXT/PLAIN (43 lines)

We have offered Bill space on the medical school's server.  He is 
developing the page.

Steve, I agree with your comments.  Unfortunately, I also forgot to 
distribute our Flownet brochure at recent SVS/ISCVS.  Anyone heading to a 
meeting that would like some brochures to put out, let me know.

Mike Ricci

On Tue, 2 Jul 1996, STEVE KNIGHT 656-8869 wrote:

> Dr. Spadone,
>      Your suggestion is timely and we here at UVM are looking into this (read,
> I am passing the buck to Dr. Ricci whose plate already runneth over).  At any 
> rate there has been some preliminary discussion about "hosting" a web site.  My
> frustration with this forum is that after abot 1 year we have 80 subscribers
> strictly by word of mouth.  I have twice been unsuccessful in getting any
> mention of Flownet in the Spectrum.  If an SVT sponsored newsletter won't
> advertise/promote this free resource, I'm sceptical about it supporting a Web
> site...........(this is the electonic sound of sour grapes).  All the same,
> it's encouraging to know that support of a Web site exists within this 
> membership.  I would be curious to know how many current subscribers have
> access to E mail only and lack Web access?  Any guesses?
> Steve Knight
> List owner UVM Flownet and 
> VP in charge of bits and bytes
> Fletcher Allen Health Care
> (in alliance with the University of Vermont)  

Michael A. Ricci, MD			
Associate Professor of Surgery			Phone:  (802) 656-4548
University of Vermont College of Medicine   	FAX:    (802) 893-0305