September 2014


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Jeanette Brown <[log in to unmask]>
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UVM Flownet <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:48:21 +0000
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SVU is pleased to share with you two exciting courses that are happening in November. Join us for two days filled with experts from around the country, delivering the latest in vascular ultrasound scanning, including live demonstrations on patients. On the second day, learn the latest that is going on with reimbursement rates, what 2015 will bring and have the chance to sit down with representatives and share your experience from the field. You have the choice to register for each one separately or save on registering for both. This is an event you surely don't want to miss!

Location: Alexandria, VA
Website for more information: www.svunet.org/interpretation-and-hillday. 

Vascular Interpretation with Live Demonstrations
(SVU CME will be provided for this course)
November 12, 2014

Take advantage of this unique, one-day course, offering CME credits, providing numerous live demonstrations throughout the day. Step away from the lectures and join in on the conversation during an actual scan.
Topics will focus on areas such as:
*	Image Optimization
*	Cerebrovascular
*	Arterial Testing Techniques
*	DVT Protocols


Vascular Lab Critical Issues Conference - With a Visit to the Hill

November 13, 2014

During the first half of the day, you will hear from experts in the field of Advocacy and what upcoming changes will mean for your practice. After lunch, you will have the chance to visit Capitol Hill and engage with key US Senators and Senate staff in support of your profession and the SVU Advocacy platform.

Jeanette Brown, MBA
Director, Market Development

4601 Presidents Dr.,  # 260
Lanham, MD 20706
p: 301.459.7550 ext. 104
f: 301.459.5651

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