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October 2006


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Joe Larose <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Joe Larose <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Oct 2006 19:08:44 -0400
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Hey Tina, you forgot to mention that this dance is also the Fabulous Fall
Formal!  No real change in anything and if anyone wants to attend but has
nothing too formal it's no problem, I just thought I'd mention that the
crowd will generally be more dressed up than usual.  This is one of USABDA's
better-attended events, so there should be plenty of people there to dance
with and watch dancing.  I hope to see a ton of people from UVM there!
~Joe Larose

On 10/5/06, Kristina Renee Bechard <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hey Everyone. Our website is a little messed up again, and there is an
> incorrect posting on there about when USABDA is, and it won't let me
> change it, so the correct date of usabda is oct. 21st.  USABDA is
> always the third saturday of the month except for December when it's
> the 2nd.
> Here is the info for this month!
> Saturday, October 21st USADance Lesson and Dance. USADance Lesson and
> Dance at The Elley-Long Music Center, 223 Ethan Allen Ave, Colchester.
> First-time dancer mini lesson in Waltz at 7pm. Featured Lesson in
> Tango at 7:30pm with David Larson. Open dancing from 8:30 to 11pm.
> Enjoy music with DJ Bryan Bishop. $12 general admission, $8 USABDA
> Members and Seniors, $6 Students. For more information call 899-1870
> or visit http://www.dancevermont.org.
> Thanks
> Tina
> --
> [log in to unmask]
> 802-324-2408

~Everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.