*Office of the
Board of Trustees*
April 22, 2011
/From:/Robert F. Cioffi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
/To:/UVM Community
/Re:/*Presidential Search Committee*
I am pleased to announce that earlier today the Executive Committee
of the University of Vermont Board of Trustees approved the
appointment of the Presidential Search Committee.Previously, the
Board appointed me to serve as chair and Dr. Patricia Prelock, Dean
of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and Professor of
Communication Sciences and Disorders as Vice Chair of the
Presidential Search Committee.
A Faculty Panel elected per the University Manual
<http://www.uvm.edu/%7Efacrsrcs/University%20Manual.pdf> (Section
202.3.3) met earlier this week and selected four representatives to
the search committee. The Staff Council, the Student Government
Association, Graduate Student Senate, and the Alumni Association
have provided excellent nominations from which I selected search
committee members to recommend to the Board. I appreciate the many
other worthy suggestions and nominations I have received. In keeping
with the guidelines set forth in the University Manual, I identified
additional search committee members from across the campus, as well
as other members of the Board of Trustees. Below is a list of the
members of the Presidential Search Committee.
The Presidential Search Committee will meet for the first time on
_*Tuesday, April 26, 2011 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Marsh
Lounge, Billings Library.*_The meeting agenda as well as material
for the meeting is available on the Presidential Search Committee
<http://www.uvm.edu/%7Etrustees/presidentsearch/> website.Minutes of
this meeting and future agendas and minutes will also be posted on
this site.
I appreciate the willingness of these individuals to serve on the
Search Committee and look forward to working with them through a
process that promises to be both rewarding and important for the
entire University.
I would like to once again encourage all who have perspectives about
the future leadership of UVM to share their views at: Invitation to
In addition, there will be several open forums scheduled in upcoming
weeks, which will be announced soon.
CC:UVM Board of Trustees
*Presidential Search Committee
*Robert F. Cioffi, UVM '90*
Presidential Search Committee */
University of Vermont Board of Trustees, Chair *Elizabeth Pope, UVM '13*
Graduate Student, Ph.D. Candidate in Animal,
Nutrition and Food Sciences
S. Abu Rizvi, Ph.D.
Dean of the Honors College
Professor of Economics
*Patricia H. Prelock, Ph.D.*/*
Vice Chairperson **
Presidential Search Committee*/
Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Professor of Communication Science and Disorders *Russell Tracy, Ph.D.*
Professor of Pathology
Senior Associate Dean for Research
and Academic Affairs
College of Medicine
*David S. Barrington, Ph.D.*
Professor of Plant Biology
Interim Chairperson Department of Plant Biology
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
*Jeffrey L. Schulman, UVM '89*
Senior Associate Athletic Director
*Bill Botzow*
University of Vermont Board of Trustees *Donna Sweaney* *
*University of Vermont Board of Trustees
*Richard Bundy, III*
Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
President and CEO University of Vermont Foundation
*Janet Terp, UVM '80*
Alumni Council Representative
*Beverly Y. Colston*
Director of the ALANA Student Center *Judith Van Houten, Ph.D.*
Professor of Biology
Professor of Anatomy and Neurobiology
College of Arts and Sciences
*Thomas J. Gustafson, Ed.D., UVM G'91*
Vice President for Student and Campus Life *William B. Vitagliano, UVM
Undergraduate Student, Psychology Major
*Deborah Hunter, Ph.D.*
Associate Professor of Integrated Professional Studies
Interim Chairperson, Department of
Integrated Professional Studies
College of Education and Social Services
*Susan Wertheimer, UVM '76*
Senior Associate Director of Admissions
*Deborah H. McAneny, UVM '81*
University of Vermont Board of Trustees _*Alternate Committee Member*_
*Samuel E. Bain, UVM '68*
University of Vermont Board of Trustees
*Mark Phillippe, MD, MHCM*
John Van Sicklen Maeck Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
Chairperson, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology &
Reproductive Sciences
College of Medicine
_*Search Committee Staff*_
*Gary L. Derr, Ed.D., UVM G'02*
Vice President for Executive Operations
*Laura D. Smith*
Administrative Assistant to the
Vice President for Executive Operations
Robert F. Cioffi, UVM '90
University of Vermont
Board of Trustees
358 Waterman Building
Burlington, Vermont 05405
(802) 656-7898
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