June 2005


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UVM Women's Hockey <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:09:10 -0400
UVM Women's Hockey <[log in to unmask]>
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UVM Sports Information <[log in to unmask]>
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June 14, 2005

Catamount Student-Athletes Take Part in Community Service Events

BURLINGTON, Vt. - The student-athletes at the University of Vermont were once
again heavily involved in community service events over the past academic year.
UVM varsity athletes and staff volunteered for over 600 hours of community
service during the 2004-05 season.

The women's swimming and diving team mentored students at the Baird School and
helped local Special Olympic athletes prepare for the Vermont Summer Games,
which were held at UVM in early June. Another 52 student-athletes from various
teams volunteered at the Special Olympics Vermont Spring Games at UVM in April,
with men's soccer coach Jesse Cormier running the final leg of the torch run
that kicked off the games.

"This was the second season working with the Chittenden County Special Olympic
Swim Team, in a hands on experience that taught the athletes how to swim," said
Chittenden Special Olympics Program Coordinator and swim team coach Carol
Koerner. “If it wasn't for UVM this wouldn't happen."

Several student-athletes, coordinated by Hockey Humanitarian Award Nominee Kami
Cote (Copperton, Utah) of the women's hockey team, participated in the
Connecting Youth Mentoring program at the Williston Central School. The men's
hockey team volunteered at a charity hockey game to benefit the families of
Vermont National Guard staff stationed overseas and distributed teddy bears
collected at a home contest to local nursing homes.

Members of the field hockey team regularly prepared meals at the Ronald McDonald
House in Burlington. While nearly 100 student-athletes and coaches from several
teams took part in Green Up Day in Burlington this spring in an effort to help
clean up the neighborhoods surrounding the UVM campus.

In addition to athletic clinics, blood donations, hospital and school visits,
other events included individuals and small groups of student-athletes helping
at events such as the King Street Youth Center, Spectrum Youth Services and

"Getting involved in the community through service is a strong tradition among
our student athletes. The time spent mentoring youth, preparing meals at
Burlington's Ronald McDonald House, and greening up the city contributes to the
health and vitality of our community, as well as to the civic education of our
students,” said University of Vermont Director of Community Relations Gail
Shampnois. “And, as students come to know the community through their service,
it creates a sense of belonging that often leads to a lifetime of


Vermont Athletic Communications