Maximizing Instructional Talents, Tools and Techniques
February 17-19, 1999
Renaissance Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Does your campus seem to be investing ever increasing amounts of money in
computing equipment, software and technical support in the name of
"increased productivity"? Does it seem that the investment in technology
infrastructure (equipment, software and support personnel) on your campus is
a "black hole" that pulls in dollars and puts out little? Are the faculty on
your campus wondering: "How can I use that new jack in the wall?", "Who is
supposed to train me to use PowerPoint, my web browser, or this *!% data
projector?" , or "How soon before I can have new stuff in my classroom?"
If so, you have lots of company...and the participants of "Capitalizing on
Your Computer Investment" would like to hear about your experiences
addressing these issues.
Capitalizing on Your Computer Investment brings together faculty, academic
computing department staff, technical support (hardware and software) staff,
instructional designers, and administrators (department chairs, deans,
associate provosts) to examine the best use of investments in computer
equipment and software to: enhance teaching/pedagogy (Talent track),
improve instructional design (Techniques track), and facilitate course
development/delivery (Tools track).
Educators/trainers in corporate, association, technical/community college or
university settings are invited to present at the conference. We also
invite hardware/software vendors to showcase products that facilitate
instructional use of computer-based technologies. The conference web site
(see below) gives examples of presentations sought.
We would be honored for YOU to share your experience and/or products. You
will be joining keynote speakers Michael G. Dolence and Brandon Hall.
Please complete the attached proposal form (or the online form...see below)
and send it to us by September 14, 1998. Use a narrative style and define
any acronyms you use. The title of your presentation should briefly
identify its scope and content. Proposals will be reviewed by a screening
committee for pertinence to the conference theme. You will be notified of
selection by September 30, 1998.
Presenters receive $75.00 off the $350.00 early conference registration fee.
Exhibit fees start at $395.00 for standard booth space.
Conference coordinators Deanna Applehans and Christopher Smith will answer
your proposal submission and/or registration questions. Contact them via
email ([log in to unmask]), fax (715-232-3385) or telephone
(715-232-2693). You may also point your browser to: for up-to-date conference
planning, site and registration information.
Dates: February 17-19, 1999
Location: Renaissance Hotel, 999 Ninth Street NW, Washington, DC USA 20001
Lodging: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Renaissance Hotel at $149
single or double. Reservations may be made by calling (202) 898-9000. When
making reservations, please identify yourself as a participant in the
UW-Stout Capitalizing on Your Computer Investment Conference.
Audience: Faculty, Academic Computing Department Personnel, Technical
Support (hardware and software) Personnel, Instructional Designers,
Administrators (Department Chairs, Deans, Associate Provosts)
If you are submitting more than one proposal, please submit a separate form
for each proposal.
1. Presentation title:
2. Attach a 150 word (maximum) description of your presentation.
3. Track desired (please choose one): ___Talent ___Tools ___Techniques
4. Preferred presentation duration: ___60 minutes ___90 minutes
5. Planned presentation format (i.e.: demo, discussion, workshop, etc.):
6. Are you willing to repeat your session? ___Yes ___No
7. AV equipment needed for your presentation:
Note...You must bring your own computer and software)
___overhead projector ___dry marker/chalk board
___slide projector ___flip chart/markers
___VHS videotape player ___data projector
___Phone connection ___Internet access
___Other (specify) _______________________________________
8. Attach professional profiles (below) for each presenter. (Note: all
correspondence will be sent to the lead presenter. The lead presenter will
also be assigned the single reduced price registration for the presentation.)
Title of presentation proposal:
Presenter name:
Is this presenter the lead presenter? ___Yes ___No
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Phone (business) (home)
Email address:
If you know someone else who would be interested in receiving a conference
mailing from us, check the appropriate categories.
____Call for Presentations ____Conference Brochure
Return copies of this form, presentation description, and presenter profile to:
PO BOX 790
MENOMONIE, WI 54751-0790
Application Deadline: September 14, 1998