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June 2005


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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Ron Payne <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 09:35:01 -0400
text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1; reply-type=response
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
I was out there agian last night (6/27) until dark and the process was the
same. At aproximatle 9:00 PM, she danced across the field, then settled down
near one of the deeper puddles and was sataionary until I could no longer
see her anymore. She was also calling last night, the clear bugling note and
a softer more raspy one.

Ron Payne
Middlebury, VT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Worley" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:53 AM
Subject: [VTBIRD] Wnooping Crane directions and update

> Hi all,
> The Whooping Crane was still there (directions below) last night.  Ron
> Payne stayed late the night before to see if it left or what.  Here's
> his observations...  I suspect she is staying there overnight.
> With the very rapidly diminishing standing water in the fields I suspect
> she may move on soon from this location; perhaps elsewhere along the
> Lemon Fair, or back to Dead Creek.
> Ian
> ===============
> "I was out there until past 9:30 when I started losing the light, and
> the Mosquitos started to gain an immunity to bug spary. The highlight
> was actually seeing it dance across the field. Spectacular! After that,
> it just seemed to park itself in a place in the middle of the field and
> pull it's head in for the last 15 minutes I was there. Prehaps it is
> spending the night down there."
> Ron Payne
> Middlebury, VT
> ===============
> John C. Deppman wrote:
>>Hello all:
>>I just saw the "Cornwall" Whooping Crane about 1/2 hour ago.  I don't
>>recall seeing the location specified in previous postings, so for those
>>that are interested in attempting to see this Florida/Wisconsin wonder,
>>head west on Vt Route #125 from Middlebury.  Go down the hill after
>>passing through the college campus and go 4 miles to West Street.  Turn
>>left and head South on West Street for about 1/2 mile.  Stop and scan the
>>fields on the right.  It was feeding in the fields.  It's big; it's white;
>>and it's not a Great Egret!  A Bald Eagle was also sitting in a tree
>>This is very near the spot where a Northern Hawk Owl spent some time in
>>Nov/Dec 1996.
>>John C Deppman
>>[log in to unmask]