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January 2021


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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 16 Jan 2021 18:02:11 -0500
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Hello VTBIRDers!!

On behalf of the Green Mountain Audubon Society, I would like to invite you all to the first installation of our New Birder Presentation Series with Maeve Kim! This program will be held on Thursday January 21st at 6:30 PM. A lot has changed in the past 11 months and many people have turned to birding as their preferred pandemic pastime.

But, what's all the excitement about? Why are so many people watching birds these days? The answer? Beauty! Nature! Stress-reduction! Lower blood pressure! Improved attention and focus! Forest therapy! There are more and more reasons why so many people, young and old, are taking to the fields, woods and beaches to watch birds. In this class, you will learn about some of the basics of birdwatching: how to get started, what equipment you might need, and what the benefits might be to you.

To join the Zoom meeting, please click the link below on the appropriate date and time:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82617251201?pwd=ajh5MEpnMFRBdU5LNS9RV2FCVTkxdz09 https://greenmountainaudubon.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ba8d583e49a0873c187937c3c&id=db92fb3f80&e=f2085614e8


Maeve Kim has been an integral part of the Vermont birding community for years, has hosted a multitude of bird-related classes and authors the  Vermont Birds and Words https://greenmountainaudubon.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ba8d583e49a0873c187937c3c&id=c5540cdad7&e=f2085614e8  blog with Bernie Paquette.

Whether you have never considered watching birds before, you have a general interest in birds and nature, or you are looking to expand your birding experience beyond your backyard feeders, we encourage you to attend this presentation! 

A world of birds and birding awaits and we hope to see you there!

Let me know if you have any questions and have a great weekend everyone!

Jacob Crawford
Chair of Communications Committee
Green Mountain Audubon Society