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May 2013


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Scott Sainsbury <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 4 May 2013 22:46:56 -0400
text/plain (37 lines)
Very nice -- sounds like you had a great day!

On May 4, 2013, at 8:45 PM, Patti Haynes wrote:

> Seventeen Mad Birder's celebrated 'Quatro de Mayo' with yet another sun
> drenched bird walk at Mountain Valley Farm, high up on the Waitsfield
> Common Rd this morning. We arrived to the tune of a newly arrived BALTIMORE
> ORIOLE in the yard. MALLARDS were on the pond where HOODED MERGANSERS had
> set up housekeeping in the nest box on the island, but we did not see them.
> We did, however, enjoy the activity of the CHICKADEE couple as they
> gathered fiddlehead down for their nest in a hole above the Mergansers nest
> box.
> Other highlights today were a LEAST FLYCATCHER che-becking as we headed up
> toward the bee hives, a KESTREL when we arrived in the orchard, a pair of
> BLUEBIRDS around their nest box and a recently arrived  CLIFF SWALLOW in
> its nest hole under the barn eave. Toward the woods we heard a HERMIT
> THRUSH close by and a couple of YELLOW RUMPS. As we were finishing up a
> pair of BROAD WING HAWKS circled overhead.
> Today's species total was 34. Many thanks to the generosity and enthusiasm
> of Gib and Sue Geiger in sharing their beautiful farm with us.
> Patti Haynes
> for the Mad Birders

Scott Sainsbury
Beacon Associates
P.O. 1660
Waitsfield, Vt.  05673
802-496-9393 ext 13
802-249-0525 (mobile)