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May 2013


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Scott Sainsbury <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 May 2013 20:57:02 -0400
text/plain (74 lines)
Hi All,

Just a quick note to remind everyone that the "Mad Birders' Big Morning and Birder BBQ" at CrossHaven Farm in Moretown on May 25th is now just a couple weeks away.

The original announcement on this event is included below in case you missed or lost it.  

Please drop me a note if you have any questions.  

I hope birders from all over Vermont will join us for some great birding, and warm Mad Birder hospitality.  All ages and abilities are warmly welcome.  Come get face to face with the people you bird with on-line.

Please RSVP to Nancy Turner to let us know you can join us.  [log in to unmask]

Scott Sainsbury 
for the Mad Birders

PS  I took a short walk around the farm this morning and kept half-an-eye on the sky while building a chicken coop today.  I covered much less than half the property and didn't hit any of the most popular warbler areas or get in the woods.  Even so, I met up with 45 species.  We got to 70 at last year's Big Morning -- including the Acadian Flycatcher.  They're out there waiting for us!

Here's the announcement:

The Mad Birders are hosting the second annual "Big Morning" and "Birders' BBQ" at Sainsbury's CrossHaven Farm in Moretown on Saturday, May 25!

Last year's gathering of the Vermont Birding Community for this event was a true Happening!  Over 50 bird-crazy, good-natured folk from all around the state gathered to meet one another, enjoy some great food and hospitality -- and log over 70 species!!  

Particularly noteworthy was the Acadian Flycatcher that Chip Darmstadt's keen ears nabbed while walking through the woods.  Most attendees got to see the bird, and it was photographed and recorded for the record book.  Who knows what we'll see this year!

The "Big Morning and Birders' BBQ" is a great opportunity for many of us who bird together on the net, but don't often see one another, to join up for some birding and socializing at Scott and Pat Sainsbury's farm.  Moretown is about as "middle of the state as you can get, so if you came last year, come again -- and if you missed last year, please join us for this wonderful event

CrossHaven farm has 300 acres of mixed age / mixed species forest, plus 100 acres of hay fields and pastures, and 1-1/2 miles of river front on the Mad River.

There are paths in the woods and plenty of open areas to hike and bird.  The place can be very birdy.  124 species have been recorded there.

We'll have trail maps for everyone.  And, especially after last year, many of us know the lay of the land pretty well can join-up with those who haven't.

The game-plan will be to see how many birds we can tally in one morning.  And to put faces and names together while we share our (tall) stories about the morning, over lunch.  We'll also hear from Chip Darmstadt of North Branch Nature Center and Chris Rimmer from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (or their associates) on their great programs and future vision for their organizations.

Here's the schedule:

5 - 6:30 AM - "Dawn Chorus" walk for those who want to enjoy the sunrise together
6:30 - 7:30 AM - Registration, coffee and goodies, orientation (how many trails, easy to difficult, habitat, etc.)
7:30 - 11 AM - Main Walk
11 AM - Lunch, speakers, bird list, raffle winners
1 PM - done and dusted

Mad Birder events are usually free to members and $5 for non-members.  This one will be free to all.   At the same time, we feel that it would be a great statement if -- when we join together in celebration of the birds we all love -- we also show support for those who work so hard to protect and teach about them.  We'll have a donations box at the sign-in desk, and would like to ask everyone to pitch-in $20, or whatever you feel comfortable giving.  If 50 or so of us attend again this year, we could raise $1000 or more!  And…All of the money will be given to VCE for their avian research and North Branch Nature Center for their youth birding programs.  As a bonus, anyone who donates will be entered in a raffle for some nifty prizes!

The club and the Sainsbury's are pleased to host this great event again this year -- to serve up some great breakfast, lunch and birdie-sightings for everyone -- and to raise some money for the birds we all love.  So, please bring a few bucks from the piggy bank, and help us support the worthy work at VCE and NBNC.  Together, we can make a difference! 

This year's menu will include:

Juice, coffee, fruit and baked goodies

Pulled pork and beef brisket bbq sandwiches
Cole Slaw
Potato and other Salads
Baked Beans
Iced tea and Lemonade

There is a 60x100' indoor riding ring at the farm, so lunch will be rain or shine.  There is a fair amount of seating on the porch, but bring a folding chair or two if you like.

It's going to be a great time.  Come along and enjoy the day!

Since we're serving food, we'll need to keep track of how many are coming.  If you would please reply to Nancy Turner at [log in to unmask]  with a count on the number in your party, and when you plan to arrive, it would be greatly appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you on the 25th!