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February 2018


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Karen Uhlendorf <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 08:04:56 -0500
text/plain (22 lines)
A great day in Addison County between 3:00 and 5:15 pm Tuesday! We saw 5
snowy owls and 9 hawks of various kinds, including one male northern
harrier, two red-tailed hawks, and one rough-legged hawk. The others were
either too quickly seen or too far away for a positive ID.

One dark snowy owl was sitting on a ridge of plowed dirt on the west side
of Basin Harbor Rd. north of Crown Point Rd. and another very light snowy
was in the middle of a plowed field across the road from the first one
near the intersection with Swinton Rd. The other 3 were seen on Crown Pt.
Rd. We got great views of one of them perched on a telephone pole, and
then flying either down to the ground or to the next pole, repetitively.
Another one was on a fence post near a barn, and the third was at a
distance on the ground in a field to the north of Crown Point Rd. We were
able to return to see the first two owls again. The light one flew to a
runoff for a drink. The darker one flew from the dirt ridge to a treetop
alongside the road before flying off again.

Sightings of Canada geese, robins, and grackles let us know the seasons
are changing.
Karen Uhlendorf
Hyde Park