VTBIRD Archives

May 2013


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Courtney Appleyard <[log in to unmask]>
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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 May 2013 07:34:19 -0400
text/plain (6 lines)
Just wanted to give a little warning...   We've lived in this house for 3 years now, at the base of Mt. Equinox - definite bear country - and at the height of the hummingbird season, I have up about 10 hummingbird feeders (I have a huge population!)  and I have never had a problem with bears hitting the feeders.   I've seen the You Tube videos from other places, etc. but it hasn't really been a problem in our area.  I religiously bring in my seed feeders, but not the hummers.  The night before last, my neighbor's hummingbird feeders were hit, and at 4:45am this morning, one of mine was guzzled/knocked down - this after he rifled through our compost!  

Bears seem to be extra hungry this year - at least in our area.   I am hearing a new story every day.   From now on, I will be bringing in my hummingbird feeders (which will be a huge pain, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess!)

Courtney in Manchester