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March 2010


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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
"Nancy A. Brown" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 09:39:48 -0400
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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Cold start 28 degrees, hazy sunrise.  Surprised to hear Field Sparrow 
singing, early, not really I observer one here on April 2 last year. Just do 
not hear them sing until late April. Still large flocks of Robins in the 
fields, I look over them all but no Meadow Lark as of yet.   A walk out to 
pond netted Sapsuckers and Kinglets and on the very small opening of water a 
pair of Wood ducks.  No White-Throated Sparrow but I am still looking.

> Location:    Lot 210  Danby Pond- Danby, VT
> Observation date:     3/28/10   7:15 am
> Number of species:     30
> Canada Goose     12
> Wood Duck     2 - pair on Danby pond- still 95 % ice covered
> Mallard     2
> Killdeer     2 - Still tending the nest scrape in my driveway, third year
> American Woodcock     1- Full moon is on the 30th, rain? it should be a 
> good show
> Mourning Dove     5
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     2- two on deed spruce in bog
> Downy Woodpecker     5
> Hairy Woodpecker     2
> Blue Jay     8
> American Crow     2
> Tree Swallow     1- cold looking and still all by itself
> Black-capped Chickadee     4
> Tufted Titmouse     2
> White-breasted Nuthatch     1
> Golden-crowned Kinglet     2 - both males with oranage/red central stripe 
> in yellow crown
> Eastern Bluebird     2
> American Robin     60
> European Starling     7
> American Tree Sparrow     6
> Field Sparrow 1- cold, all fluffed up but did not stop it from singing. 
> Feeding along edge of drive.
> Song Sparrow     5
> Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)     12- seems to be an increase in numbers 
> right now
> Northern Cardinal     2
> Red-winged Blackbird     12
> Common Grackle     14
> Brown-headed Cowbird     28- big flow all together with several Starlings 
> mixed in
> House Finch     6
> American Goldfinch     4
> House Sparrow     2
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org/vt)