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May 2019


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Linnea Garrepy <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 May 2019 01:49:18 +0000
text/plain (38 lines)
Hey Bryan,
Somehow I never got a message that you were having a Spring workshop. I can’t make it anyway but I’m wondering why this is the first I’ve heard about it. I follow your blog. Was there a separate notification?

I’m in VA and was at Chincoteague NWR. I brought my camera but not the notes from class. Had no idea what I was doing or how to use the camera so I really need the all day workshop. Please keep me in the loop.



> On May 2, 2019, at 1:25 PM, Bryan Pfeiffer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Greetings, VTBIRDers,
> Although my bird photography workshop is full for the spring, I'll be
> running an open session on Digital Photography Fundamentals on Friday, May
> 10, from 6:30-8:30PM at North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. The fee
> is $20 at the door (bring your camera).
> In this lecture, I cover photo essentials, particularly stuff you need to
> know for better bird images: shutter, aperture, ISO, light and metering,
> for example. We'll also demystify buttons, dials and menus. It's a ton of
> information packed into one lively session, including pointers for birders
> and iNaturalisters (I'll have handouts).
>   - Here's more information on the seminar:
>   https://bryanpfeiffer.com/photography/photography-workshops/workshop-buttons-dials-menus/
>   - Here's a bit of point-and-shoot (not SLR) bird photography:
>   https://bryanpfeiffer.com/photography/photography-birds/point-and-shoot-birds/
>   - And here are some crazy mega-zoom nature shots:
>   https://bryanpfeiffer.com/photography/nature-at-mega-zoom/
> We'll start at 6:30PM sharp on Friday -- so please arrive a bit early.
> Onward!
> -- Bryan Pfeiffer
> www.bryanpfeiffer.com