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May 2013


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Jane Stein <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 May 2013 07:15:36 -0400
text/plain (28 lines)
David, what do you mean by "tweezed to oblivion"?


On 5/5/2013 11:21 PM, David Hoag wrote:
> I wondered why Chickadees had not revisited a  newly excavated cavity
> for a few days.  Last night's closer inspection  revealed the beginning
> of a Paper Wasp nest, a Polistes species (Polistes  dominula) --
> wasp nest and wasp tweezed to oblivion.
> I'm  accustomed to removing the occasional mud-dauber wasp nest from
> a Cliff  Swallow nest, but in recent years, the primary problem has been
> paper wasp  nests.  After not having cleaned swallow nests last year,
> this winter,  I found ALL nine old swallow nests on the south end
> of my house to be packed  solid with paper, and removed the paper.
> Last autumn, one  room in each of three metal Purple Martin houses
> also contained a large wasp  nest -- explaining why the Tree Swallow pair
> had switched to different room  than the one they had always used.
> D J Hoag, Grand Isle
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