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January 2021


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Maeve Kim <[log in to unmask]>
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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 23 Jan 2021 12:20:16 -0500
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This morning, I noticed a Common Redpoll lying on the snow not far from the house. We went out, picked it up, and put it in a small box. We hoped it was just stunned from flying against the house when some predator scared up the whole flock, but one wing looked as if it might have been bent. A full hour later, the bird was standing in the box (it had been lying flat), bright-eyed, looking around. I couldn’t see any injury but when I took it outdoors and held it on my palm, it just stood there. I brought it back into the warm house for another hour. A few minutes ago, we took the little creature outdoors again, and this time it flew like a dart from my hand, taking off after another redpoll. A happy ending!!
Maeve Kim, Jericho Center