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May 2013


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Larry Clarfeld <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 May 2013 23:17:12 -0400
text/plain (70 lines)
I, too, witnessed the masses of swifts this afternoon in Montpelier.
Probably at least 100 were flying over the Vermont College campus at around
3pm.  I've never seen that many there so I suspect they were migrants.  It
was quite a sight!  I didn't get a look at whether they were roosting
nearby but it would be worth keeping an eye out for them tomorrow.

I posted a pretty bad video of them on youtube: http://youtu.be/b72b4w8S7yU

Good birding,

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 6:39 PM, John Snell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> This is good news! About 10 years ago a large colony nested in an unused
> chimney at the gymnasium at Vermont College; one year they failed to
> return, not sure why.
> John Snell
> Montpelier
> On May 13, 2013, at 6:23 PM, Scott Sainsbury wrote:
> > This afternoon, in Montpelier, a merlin -- probably that seen often
> recently and reported here by the city's denizens -- caught my eye.
> >
> > Near it, were a few Chimney Swifts.  Soon, the Merlin headed back toward
> the State House and out of my view.  But the Swifts did not.
> >
> > First there were a few.  Then 10.  Then twenty or thirty.  Soon there
> were well over a hundred -- more than I can ever recall having seen at one
> time.
> >
> > It was a wondrous aerial show.  They seemed to concentrate over the
> hillside where National Life sits.  Then, they would wave over downtown,
> and circle back to the south.
> >
> > After about 10 minutes, they just melted away.  In 30 seconds or so,
> there wasn't a single one in sight.  If you asked me, I couldn't tell you
> where they went -- or even what direction.  They just suddenly weren't
> there.
> >
> > It was like it never happened.  And what was even stranger was that
> there was a large number of people around me, walking up and down Main
> Street.  Here I was standing in the middle of the path looking up at the
> sky through binoculars, virtually blocking their way, and not a single
> person looked up.  It was kind of eerie -- like I was in the Chimney Swift
> Twilight Zone and no one else got it.  I think it's one of those great
> birding moments you tend to remember for a long while.
> >
> > Scott Sainsbury
> > Moretown

Larry Clarfeld
Environmental Educator
Youth Birding Coordinator

North Branch Nature Center
713 Elm St.
Montpelier, VT 05602

(802) 229-6206
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