VTBIRD Archives

March 2010


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Sally and Terry <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Mar 2010 19:32:50 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)

Many highlights today. We found  50 plus cedar waxwings in Vergennes on a
crabapple  and drove RIGHT UP TO THEM. Next were 25 plus turkeys at the
viewingcenter  on route(rte) 17. The ice is mostly out at Dead creek, but we
found only two nuthatches and a chickadee. There were two groups of
turkeys,one of 25 plus before the viewing center, and one in filed north of
17 as we left brilyea's with too many to count .We observed 4 turkey
vultures on the way to the new ferry at Chimney point ,plus two red tail
hawks . On the ice edge south of the ferry ,we counted nine mature eagles,
digesting. They did not move for the 40 minutes we were there. There was a
raft of scaup and ring necked ducks, and then 150 Canada geese flew in. We
did not see the canvasback. We searched north of the bridge and then came
back for a closer look at the geese. We kept seeing red, but it turned out
to be a large red sleeve on the neck of a Canada goose with many numbers on
it. It looked VERY uncomfortable. Finally, we picked out the male canvasback
amongst the scaup! There were 100's of gulls at the marina north of chimney
point, but  we were too far away to decipher. We then found  two bufflehead
at Oven bay. On the way to Panton,we found 3 bluebirds in a flock of 8 plus
HOUSE finch, like partridges in a tiny pear tree! We almost made road meat
out of female grouse  and could not count the scads of red winged black
birds, but could count the two rusty blackbirds right in Panton center ,who
,for lack of females, were singing to each other.

Feeling so lucky, we went back to North Williston for a second try today for
the white fronted goose. The owner of the house next to the viewing area
told us he saw a goose with yellow legs last night at dusk.It was 6:00,but
it was daylight savings time. NO GOOSE . But a great day!


Sally Fellows
