VTBIRD Archives

May 2013


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Ronald Payne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 5 May 2013 15:24:37 -0400
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May 11, 7:00 AM, Monthly Wildlife Walk. Otter Creek Audubon and the Middlebury Area Land Trust invite community members to help us survey birds and other wildlife at Otter View Park and the Hurd Grassland. Meet at the parking area of Otter View Park at the intersection of Weybridge St. and Pulp Mill Bridge Road in Middlebury. Birders of all ages and abilities welcome. For more information, call 388-1007 or 388-6019. Leader: Gary Starr. Please note the earlier start time!

May 12, 7:30 AM, Warbler Warm-Up. Ron Payne and Warren King will lead a search for newly arrived spring migrants. Hone your birding identification skills before leaf-out. Co-sponsored with the Watershed Center. Meet at the Bristol Waterworks, Plank Road, east of North Street, Bristol. Call Warren at 388-4082 if in doubt about the weather. 

For a complete list of our upcoming events, see the calendar on our website:            

Ron Payne
Middlebury, VT