VTBIRD Archives

May 2013


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eve ticknor <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 May 2013 08:20:40 -0400
text/plain (45 lines)
I, too, agree.   As much as we love feeding birds all year around, it is not necessary to do so in the summer.  There is plenty of wild food for the species.  Plantings for insects and birds will keep some of the birds in your yard anyway.

On 2013-05-11, at 4:08 PM, Marvin Elliott wrote:

> Just in case everyone does not know, by law in Vermont, we are not allowed to feed wild animals. The law came as a reaction to an individual feeding the birds, attracting the bears to a home that was also a daycare spot for several kids and having the landowner shoot the bear.
> My understanding is that we can feed the birds during the summer without attracting attention of the law as long as no issues arise. In my mind your neighbors should take down their feeders at first sign of a bear. 
> I am sorry if I am sounding negative, I too love feeding the birds but not if I am endangering my neighbors.
> Marv Elliott
> Rutland Town, VT
> 802-775-2415
> [log in to unmask]
> ________________________________
> From: Becky Giroux <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask] 
> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 3:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [VTBIRD] bear problem
> Hi Courtney:
> I too can appreciate your problem.  6 years ago I stopped feeding the birds, except the hummers,  because my neighbors were all having bear visits.   I have often wondered if one hummingbird feeder would attract the bears but so far I've been lucky.  I have lived in Huntington 27 years and had my first bear visit last summer.  He used my yard as a means to go between my neighbors feeders and didn't notice mine.  Someone did ask me if I called the game warden to have him come and shoot him!   I was dumbfounded by their reaction.
> I am very curious about bears and follow a bear research organization on line ( http://www.bear.org ).  You may find it of interest.
> Good Luck,  
> Becky
> p.s. I will be watching for further posts for new developments.

Eve Ticknor
Box 2206
Prescott, On  K0E 1T0
res: 613-925-5528
cell: 613-859-9545

Box 122, 35 Elm St
Essex, NY  12936

"Change how you see, not how you look."