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May 2013


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"Ian A. Worley" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 May 2013 04:23:49 -0400
text/plain (32 lines)
Yesterday, Kris Andrews sighted an Upland Sandpiper in pastureland north 
of Lemon Fair Road in Weybridge, about 0.4 miles west of the Lemon Fair 
River.  I relocated the bird mid-afternoon, in the same area, at the 
north end of the field walking slowly, perhaps foraging.  It would 
disappear from view, then reappear for a few moments.  I heard no 
vocalizations.  Two turkeys, a hen and Tom, were wandering about nearby.


Below are the dates I have for the species in this area.  The 2012 
observation was the only observation for the year.  In the 1980s the 
birds were in pastures 0.5 miles farther west and on the south side of 
the road.  In those 1980s years I saw one or two birds sporadically 
through late June/early July, though I only kept the earliest date I saw 
one.  Fledglings were reported to me by the landowner, who hayed an 
adjacent field.  The 1978 record was from a bird on a fencepost at my 
home, a little less than a mile southwest of yesterday's sightings.

2013-05-10    1
2012-05-12    2
1985-06-12    1
1982-05-17    2
1981-05-15    2
1978-05-27    1

The hiatus of the species for nearly three decades, and then its return 
is mirrored by the Whip-poor-will records that I mentioned a couple of 
days ago.  The Whip-poor-will location is a little less than a mile to 
the northwest.
