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July 2004


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"Grkovich, Alex" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Butterfly Survey <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 13:16:40 -0400
text/plain (79 lines)
Actually, Ruth probably saw "only" an Eastern Comma (unless it was a summer
form Gray)...as the Green Comma, single-brooded only, is not out at this
time in the adult form...It will not begin its flight until early August...

Gray Comma can be at once separated from Eastern Comma by its much slower,
gliding flight...and usually not long sustained...This is in stark contrast
to the erratic, rapid flight of the Eastern Comma...Summer form Eastern
Comma has also a much darker HW than does the summer form Gray, which is
also noticeably smaller...

Grays will also frequently nectar at flowers (as will Greens and Hoaries)...
Easterns almost never do...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grkovich, Alex
> Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 11:02 AM
> To:   'Vermont Butterfly Survey'
> Subject:      RE: [VTLEPS] green comma?
> Ruth,
> I think that that's a pretty good clue that it is/was a Green Comma...The
> Green is perhaps the only one in the east that will perch with the FW
> pulled high above the HW with the wings folded...Flight is good
> indication, too...the flight is very fast, erratic, circling around, and
> fairly low to the ground...They fan there wings up and down, too, upon
> landing, a couple times or more, then fold them...and perch or feed on
> damp earth...Females by the way, can be really tough to tell from Gray
> females...the very ragged wingmargins of the Green serve as a good field
> mark...
> Also, up at Scott Bog (examine the East Inlet Road at and beyond Mile 5.8
> from Rt. 3, and also along the Scott Bog roads themselves in damp bushy
> areas) a couple of unusual "western-looking" Polygonias have shown up...I
> can't ID them...but folks should keep an open mind on Polygonias in the
> northeast in Canadian Zone areas...also teh Satyr Comma is known from teh
> Scott Bog region, very rarely...I've personally never seen it there, but a
> couple folks (Warren Kiel) have...
> Gray Comma locales, anyone??? (Weather forecast is lousy for the weekend,
> however...)
> Alex
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From:   C. and R. Stewart [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>       Sent:   Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:28 AM
>       To:     [log in to unmask]
>       Subject:        [VTLEPS] green comma?
>       Is it a reliable field mark for the green comma if an anglewing
> shows the
>       split between fore wing and hind wing in profile? Unfortunately
> missed
>       catching it!!
>       Ran across 20 or so banded hairstreaks in 4' high goldenrod/old
> apple
>       orchard field.   Area was next to woods.
>       Ruth
>       Stewarts
>       E. Dorset, VT
>       USA
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