Weds night
Quoting Jennifer Nival <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hey Community,
> So I set up a listserv so we can communicate with each other in
> different ways. I will be posting up coming events and meetings that I
> hope you will attend. This listserv is also for you, if you will like
> to share information to the whole community - maybe about an event you
> are going to on or off campus - or if you are on a team post
> information about your games so we can go cheer for you. Use the
> listserv it is there for you!!
> So I posted surveys in the bathroom and in the lounge on what movie you
> will like to see this weekend. Take two minutes and put a check on the
> one you would like to see. Thank you.
> If you have read this email please email me back - the day of the week
> you would be available to see the movie. (I will have popcorn n drinks
> for you)
> This will also tell me who is on the listserv and who is not.
> Thank you,
> Enjoy the week and I will see you around.
> Jenn