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January 2000, Week 3


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Purvis Lola <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 09:30:24 -0600
To: Jonathan Lord <[log in to unmask]>
Purvis Lola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
   You have begun, what I hope will be, a dialogue of a current and/or
future problem that needs to be discussed.

        1. If publishers do not recognize the position of libraries in such
instances, there should be a separate procedure for inclusion of library
patrons, such as, an IP specific address rather than forcing the high
licensing cost. [Even an IP address, single user, can be expensive]
        2. With the IP specific, there would only be one user at a time. We
need to unite to negotiate with publishers to maintain access to our patrons
and/or the development of consortium agreements to develop access.
        3. This presents another thought - we must develop a process to
evaluate the aspects of a situation as they occur individually that will fit
into our library's operation.  [More experienced or specialized librarians
may already have this process in place - if so, please share with list]
        3. Another point is the 5-user license.  Is this 5 concurrent users
and do you have the patrons to need 5?  One library consortium was paying
for 20 users to one database - it was never made clear that this is
concurrent users, while another library system - large university teaching
hospital library - had 3 concurrent user licenses.  When we negotiated we
paid for 2 users and the company is tracking the number of times a 3rd
person tries to log on.  There is an automatic log-out at 15 minutes.

My hope is if the process is out there, you will share with the list, if
not, put in your 0.02 worth of dialogue.


Lola H. Purvis, M.L.IS., C.L.I.S.               318-473-3563
Medical Librarian                                       318-473-3489  FAX
Rapides Regional Medical Center         [log in to unmask]
Box 30101, 211 Fourth Street
Alexandria, LA   71301

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan M. Lord [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: January 18, 2000 7:17 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      "Webbooks"
> We just received the 3rd edition of NEUROLOGY IN CLINICAL
> PRACTICE: Principles of Diagnosis and Management, edited by
> Walter G. Bradley, et al.  Prominently featured on the covers to
> this volume it the URL, with notes telling readers
> that they need only to consult the website for the most
> up-to-date information, as well as materials not contained in
> the print volume, such as videos.  A single username/password is
> included with the volume.  However, when I attempt to register
> this username/password, the licence contains a stern warning:
> "Readers who share their User Names are subject to service
> revocation and session interruption."
> It seems that this prohibits a library from publishing the
> username/password either in the volume itself, or as part of the
> catalog record.  When I called the publisher, the only
> multi-user option they offer is a 5-user license for an
> additional $1250.00, on top of the $300.00 already paid for the
> print volumes.
> I was wondering how other libraries/librarians are handing these
> "webbooks?"
> Thanks!
> JL
> Jonathan Lord / Assistant Director for Collection Development
> University of Virginia Health Sciences Library
> P.O. Box 800722 / Charlottesville, VA 22908-0722
> 804-924-0059 / FAX: 804-982-4238 / E-Mail: [log in to unmask]