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January 2000, Week 3


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Marilyn Hall <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 20:15:03 -0800
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Marilyn Hall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hello all,

I have been asked to offer an information session for an upper
undergraduate class in Health Communication.  I will be meeting with the
professor later this week but was hoping I could get some input from the
collective background in 'Medlib land.'   While I have some knowledge of pt
ed/ design issues/ consumer health / instruction, etc this seems to go
beyond all these areas.  To quote the professor, it "is the class where
these future health educators learn the nuts and bolts of their trade that
is making brochures, newsletters, posterboards, videos, and in general
learn how to develop and prepare health education materials.  Obviously, to
do so they need to research a health topic but also find other materials
that have been developed on the same topic."  She wants the class to
encompass finding health information using some trad databases but mainly
what they can find when they get out of school - eg. using the public
library, how health education organizations such as SOPHE, APHA, and Kaiser
Family Foundation will be able to help them in developing materials, and so

I have found a couple helpful books, performed a lit search, and checked
the Medlib archives, but am still uncertain of what the students might
expect from such organizations.  Again, I have come across some terrific
websites with various examples of health ed materials but do any of you
know of a CLEARINGHOUSE of such information?

Perhaps you could list a couple of the favourite sources your patient
educators/social workers/librarians, etc. use.

I remember a program in use at a hospital I did an internship at for
checking the reading levels of text and thought there was a similar thread
in Medlib but did not have much luck finding it.  Do your organizations use
such a program?

It is a pretty small class and we have as long as I want (up to 3 hours).
The students may work in all areas of health - from hospitals to solo
businesses to clinics to ... so I would love input from all points of view
and experiences.  Have any of you taught similar courses?

I realize everyone is busy but any input would be GREATLY appreciated and I
can summarize for the list if there is a demand.  This  new class may even
turn into a twice-yearly offering if I do a good job.  As a new librarian
checking my appointment book for February, I sometimes wonder if I should
have spoken up in the meetings with my faculties!  Oh well - it's an
exciting profession.


Marilyn E. Hall
Health Sciences Librarian                               Phone: (619) 594-5864
San Diego State University Library                      Fax:  (619) 594-0719
5500 Campanile Drive                                    Email:  [log in to unmask]
San Diego, CA, 92182-8050