Thanks to Auburn for sharing this review. I just received my copy from
Amazon - a beautiful book, representing excellent scholarship. It received
5 stars in its Doody review, and has been mentioned on several nursing
lists. It was inspiring to read about the author.
Nightingale was more than the founder of modern nursing. Among other
accomplishments, she was the first to use statistics to improve hospital
conditions. This book belongs in every health sciences, history, and
womens' studies collection.
I will forward to appropriate nursing lists.
Thanks again - Peg
Margaret (Peg) Allen, MLS-AHIP mailto:[log in to unmask]
Library/Information Consultant
Resource Librarian Consultant for Cinahl Information Systems, Inc.
Library Consultant, Northern and Southwest Wisconsin Area Health Education
Centers, and
PO Box 2, 308 Kann, Stratford, WI 54484-0002
(715)687-4976 Fax:(715)687-4976
----- Original Message -----
From: Auburn Steward <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: Nursing librarians--article re: new Florence Nightingale bio and
> Our local paper profiled the author of a new Florence Nightingale
> in their Sunday High Profile section. The author who is originally from
> Arkansas is Barbara Montgomery Dossey. Having worked in a library that
> served a nursing school, I know that sometimes it is hard to find
> information about some of the current nursing leaders so thought you might
> want to access this while it is available online (probably only until the
> next Sunday sections come out). Articles in the archives are $1.95. The
> opening paragraph and a link are below.
> Barbara Montgomery Dossey is a persuasive pathfinder and an
> eloquent evangelist of holistic nursing. She is also the author of a
> provocative new Florence Nightingale biography.
> If this link doesn't work, go to and choose
> search.
> (Special note to Peg Allen--Please forward this to some of the nursing
> you keep tabs on)
> Auburn Steward, MLIS, AHIP
> Center for Toxicology & Environmental Health
> 4301 W. Markham--Slot 767
> Hendrix Hall--Suite 100A
> Little Rock, AR 72205
> 501-614-2834
> 501-614-2835 (fax)
> [log in to unmask]