September 14, 2000
Contacts: Jerry Pennick/Heather Gray, (404) 765-0991
The Jury Is Out On Genetic Engineering:
World Hunger Is Best Addressed By Self-Help Strategies
ATLANTA, GA -- Since 1967, the Federation of Southern
Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund has assisted Black family farmers throughout the South to hold on to their land and sustain their communities and families. We have accomplished this through cooperative self-help development. In our development work we also encourage farmers in sustainable agriculture practices and to diversify their production
as much as possible. We assist family farmers with debt-
restructuring, marketing, and financial information. Much
of the history of agriculture in the Black community has
been plagued with challenges, which is a rationale for our
program. Just a few decades ago thousands of our farmers
were sharecroppers - farming at the behest of someone else
and as a result many are not farming today. Most of our
farmers today own their own land and are independent
operators often, and importantly, working cooperatively
with other farmers. But threats remain on the horizon -
genetic engineering happens to be one.
Genetic engineering involves taking a gene from one species and splicing it into another to transfer a desired trait. This could not occur in nature where the transfer of genetic traits is limited by the natural barriers that exist between
different species and in this way genetic engineering is
completely new and incomparable to traditional animal and
breeding techniques. Genetic engineering (or GE food) is
also called biotechnology. Another name for genetically
engineered crops is genetically modified organisms (GMO's)."
(Reference: "Genetic Engineering, Food and our Environment" by Luke Anderson, Chelsea Green Publishing Co., White River Junction, Vermont).
A further development is that as corporations alter seeds
they invariably patent them and claim ownership of the seed
through "Intellectual Property Rights", as if corporations
developed our historic seed and food base and nothing could be further from the truth.
Small Family Farmers and Sustainability
Most of the world's farmers are small family farmers and
most of them are women. Most are highly knowledgeable and
skilled. Black farmers and small family farmers the world
over are generally known for their efficiency compared to
large corporate farms. In their stewardship of the land,
they are also recognized for their role in protecting the
integrity and diversity of the food chain. Small family
farmers are close to the land. As their families live on
the land, they have a vested interest in it. Year after
year crops are grown on their land. Because of this close
relationship between small farmers and the land, invariably the soil, which ultimately is the core of our sustenance, is better cared for compared to large corporate ventures. Small farmers are noted for this - thankfully! Biogenetics threatens this important balance between farmer and land, and between farmers themselves.
Food Safety
Our food safety is directly linked to our soil, seeds and to the availability of food.
Soil and Seeds
Some 13,000 years ago agriculture evolved thanks to our
hunting and gathering ancestors who noted the growing
patterns of some plants (Reference: Guns, Germs and Steel:
The Fate of Human Societies by Jared Diamond, WW Norton &
Company). Our ancestors, then, began the cultivation and
domestication of these wild species. Early farmers worked
closely together by sharing seeds and information, both of
which are important in the adaptation of seeds to differing soil types and environments - a practice maintained by present day farmers. For thousands of years, we as humans world-wide have domesticated countless and diverse varieties of plants to adapt to our differing climates and soils. This keeps us safe. The larger the diversity of our food chain the safer we are from disease or environmental degradation that might strike our seed base. Throughout the world we have also developed sustainable practices to replenish our soil.
This tradition that has sustained us for thousands of years is now challenged by the untested genetically modified
organisms. This technology will further erode the diversity
of our food chain; threaten us with the potential evolution
of unknown weeds due to genetic drift; reduce the yield of
crops in some instances; require more chemicals for some
crops - as for some genetically engineered crops claimed
to be herbicide tolerant, more herbicides, in fact, are
required. All of this negates our efforts to adequately
feed our communities, threatens our food safety and serious
questions remain about health factors. It is important
to note that for thousands of years we as humans have
successfully sustained ourselves without the assistance
of genetic engineering that evolved this century and
largely just within the past few decades.
Availability of Food
Throughout the world farmers successfully grow crops and
sustain their families and communities. The lack of food is
not usually the issue regarding the availability of food.
In most instances, lack of access to food is because of
poverty. Poverty impacts lack of: transportation to those
who need food; technical assistance for family farmers;
credit for farmers to maintain their farming operations;
marketing assistance, etc. We question the viability of
genetic engineering to help address world hunger. Depending on the circumstances, the infusion of vast amounts of food (genetically engineered or not) to an area is not necessarily helpful as it can be disruptive of local cultures and economies and usually harmful to the local agriculture systems. Also, regarding African agriculture and genetic engineering, these
altered seeds have never been adequately tested therefore
marketing them into areas of Africa where food security
is fragile needs serious consideration by all concerned,
especially since fewer US farmers are growing GE food
because of the above uncertainties - not to mention the
growing concerns of consumers. Underdeveloped countries
should not be the corporate testing ground for crops
and markets.
Contract Farming or Sharecropping
Sharecropping is not a fair system. Black farmers who were
sharecroppers were always vulnerable to the whims of the
land owners, particularly when sharecroppers began to
express their independence and democratic rights. In the
southeast US when sharecroppers began to vote many were
kicked off the land, which is one of the reasons the
Federation/LAF purchased its "Rural Training and Research
Center" in Alabama - to provide a place for ousted share-
croppers to live. Today, a system comparable to share-
cropping is developing with genetic engineering. In this
scenario famers would "contract" with agribusiness to
purchase seeds and produce crops similar to chicken and
hog contractors. In this scenario farmers are vulnerable to
corporate controlled seed and chemical companies who claim
ownership of genetically engineered seeds and that create
seeds that sometimes require more chemical in-puts. This
system often increases the costs for farmers; because of
the restrictive "Intellectual Property Rights" does not
allow farmers to share seeds as they have always done -
even making criminals of farmers who do so; and because of
the less diverse seed base, makes farmers vulnerable to the
corporations that produce and distribute these seeds and
chemicals. Once again farmers become sharecroppers and
this time to agribusiness.
We contend that family farmers throughout the world are best assisted through programs that help them in sustaining their families and communities through self-help economic development, not by making them dependent on corporations for their sustenance or by introducing technologies that have not yet been tested. The Federation/LAF's assistance in the United States is comprehensive as mentioned above, and we have expanded our work to Africa, specifically in Gambia. We are also in the process of developing a farmer-to-farmer exchange and marketing program in Ghana and Senegal. Further, we recognize the importance of protecting the
diversity of our food chain by saving our traditional seeds and encouraging communities throughout the world to do so.
Finally, the unprecedented patenting of our life forms should be banned as it makes farmers and all of us throughout the world vulnerable to just a few corporations that will then determine the food we eat, how we grow it and how much we pay for it."
"World hunger and rural economic development are best
addressed by enhancing opportunities for family farmers to
become independent", said Ralph Paige, Executive Director. "Family farmers world-wide have always sustained us - for
their sake and our own food safety we need to help farmers
sustain themselves."
Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund
2769 Church Street
East Point, GA 30344
(404) 765-0991
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