February 2001


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Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Rich Cowan <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 13:05:05 -0500
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Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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Progressive activists:

I want to let you all know about a conference you may be
interested in attending in just over a month's time.  This
is the Organizers' Collaborative "annual meeting" on
"Grassroots Use of the Internet."

The event will be held on Saturday, March 10 at Yale Law School.
Last year attendees said they enjoyed the rare opportunity to
discuss issues of using technology to advance social justice in
a "live" setting.  See for information on
last year's event.

You still have over 4 weeks to make arrangements to attend this
year's conference.  The agenda is taking shape and we will have
Louis Posner of, and Dirk Slater of the circuit
riders network, among the many speakers and workshop presenters.
We expect presenters with experience not only with voting
rights but also with welfare rights organizing, anti-toxics
organizing, reproductive rights, g/l/b/t organizers, anti-
globalization, and several other issue areas.

SPACES MUST BE RESERVED for attendance.  22 people have reserved
so far.  All you need to do to reserve a space is to send us
an email.  All the details are included below.

I want to personally thank the conference volunteers, Brit
Eckhart, Nathan Newman, Kevin Keenan, who are making this event
possible, as well as our flyer designer, Randy Divinski!

-rich cowan, for the conference committee

p.s  If your organization would like to be listed as a co-sponsor
please let us know (for foundations and larger nonprofits, we
ask for donations of $50 to $100 to defray conference costs).


You are invited to the second annual all-day meeting on:

    G R A S S R O O T S   U S E   O F   T H E   I N T E R N E T
         Sterling Law Building, Yale Univ, New Haven, CT
            Saturday, March 10, 2001 * 9:30 am-6:00 pm

Featuring:      Networkers for Social Change
        Community Organizers Using Technology
        Nonprofit Technology "Circuit Riders"
        Free-Software Activists

Program includes Speakers and Workshops on:

- Using the Internet for voter rights organizing.
- Technology planning for nonprofit organizations.
- Facilitating collaboration through shared databases
- Appropriate use of technology for empowerment and engagement in
   low-income communities
- Coordinating local actions over the Internet
- Tips for developing your grassroots organization's website.

Questions for participants to grapple with:
How can we use the Internet to strengthen coalition and movement-
How can we make technology usable and affordable to overcome the
   "digital divide?"
How can we effectively use the Internet in our organizing without
   getting drowned in a flood of "too many messages?"

Space limited to 125 participants. $10-15 sliding scale donation/
$5 student or unemployed.  Please register by March 1 to ensure
admission and receive a full program.  To register, send an email
to [log in to unmask]
(include name, address, and email adress) or call 617-596-4957.
Our fax number (8am-6pm  M-F only) is 617-628-8735.

Hosted by:  Organizers' Collaborative and the Yale Workers' Rights
Project, Yale Campaign for a Legal Election


TO YALE BY PLANE: Yale is 4 miles from New Haven airport and 52
miles from Bradley Field International Airport (city?).

BY TRAIN: There is inexpensive train service from NYC Grand Central
Station. Fare and schedules:

BY CAR: Take Exit 3 (Trumbull Street) off I-91 (near the junction
of I-91 and I-95).  Continue to the end of Trumbull Street (the
fourth traffic light) and turn left onto Prospect St. Turn right
at Grove St (one block).  The Sterling Law building is just one
block ahead on your left (the entrance is on the side facing away
from Grove St):

A CAMPUS MAP showing the law school is located at


Hotel within walking distance:
Holiday Inn
   30 Whalley Ave
   New Haven,CT 06511

Less expensive, 1.8 miles from the conference:
Grand Chalet New Haven
  400 Sargent Dr.
  New Haven,CT 06511

For inexpensive housing with Yale students or area activists,
please contact us 1 week in advance; there will be a $10 fee
per night.

*************** Agenda Overview ******************

  9:00 -  9:30  Breakfast and Registration (Yale Volunteers)
  9:30 - 10:45  Morning Speakers and Q&A
10:45 - 11:05  ICEBREAKER
11:15 - 12:30  WORKSHOPS  I
12:30 - 1:30   Lunch, $5.  $3 lunch tickets available w/low income
  1:30 - 3:00   Activist case studies, Q&A
  3:15 - 4:30   WORKSHOPS II
  4:45 - 6:00   CLOSING PLENARY:
                  Workshop followup announcements
                  Conference Evaluation
                  OC Membership Meeting