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April 2001, Week 5


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"Anne E. McKee" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Anne E. McKee
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 11:24:21 -0700
text/plain (34 lines)
NASIG is very pleased to announce the recipient of a special 2001 Student
Grant: The NASIG-Mexico Conference Grant, to Viviano Milan Martinez.  This
grant was created pursuant to NASIG's strategic interest in furthering
opportunities for participation in our organization by Mexican colleagues.

Viviano is a student at the Colegio de Bibliotecologia de la Facultad de
Filosofia y Letras de la Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (School of
Library Science/ Faculty of Philosophy and Letters/ Autonomous State
University of Nuevo Leon /Monterrey, Nuevo Leon).  Viviano will receive a
trip to this summer's conference at Trinity University in San Antonio.

The NASIG Continuing Education Committee co-coordinated this award with the
assistance of:

Mario Delgado, Head, Science and Technology Library Assoc. of Mexico and a
professor at the UNAM,
Dr. Felipe Martinez, Coordinator of the Library School at the UNAM and Vice
President of the         Mexican Library Assoc.,
Lourdes Rovalo, Head of Serials at the UNAM and in charge of serials
training and    standardization.

The committee was pleased to receive a number of outstanding applications
and feels strongly that all the applicants are very deserving and talented

NASIG Student Grants are given out to encourage students who are
interested in pursuing some aspect of serials work after graduation.
Anne E. McKee, M.L.S.
NASIG Member at Large and Publicist

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