March 2002


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Newserve <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:08:05 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (41 lines)
The following is a message to all students. It is being distributed
through a listserv used for high priority and emergency communications.
You cannot be removed from the list.

On the occasion of the six month anniversary of the momentous and historic
events of September 11, and on behalf of the administration, the faculty,
and the student body, we believe it appropriate to comment on one of the
most important aspects of university life - that of freedom of inquiry and

The University of Vermont recognizes the essential right to engage in
discussion, to exchange thought and opinion, and to speak, write, or
publish freely on any subject.  Over the past and coming months, there has
been and will continue to be, opportunities for faculty, students, and
guest lecturers to express their own views on the past, current, and
future American scene.

We welcome the exercise of free speech that is unique to our democracy and
critical to this institution.  We value the University's long standing
policy that the exercise of this right must be tempered by the rights of
others.  While disagreement and advocacy are essential to learning and
teaching, we also understand that the activities of an individual or group
of individuals, in the name of free speech, that disrupt educational
programs are not acceptable.

We applaud the open and respectful exchange of ideas that is essential to
educational development.   Let us continue to support and promote, and
learn from, the critically important exchange of ideas that are made
available to all of us as members of the University of Vermont community.


Ed Colodny, Interim President, University of Vermont

Michael Gurdon, President, Faculty Senate

Bill Tickner, President, Student Government Association