April 2002


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"J. Gregory MacKinnon" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Departmental Technology Coordinators <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 10:18:29 -0500
text/plain (61 lines)
"Amanda" did not post anything related to technology in higher-ed.  He/She
posted a bunch of pretentious, pedantic, nonsense in a deliberate attempt
to annoy members of Advocats.

Apparently a successful attempt.

I doubt there is much to be done about it, though.  People who wish to be
annoying deliberately will find a means despite our best efforts.

-Greg MacKinnon
CIT Client Services

At 09:50 AM 4/3/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Wow!!  Someone just got Flame-broiled...
>Being that this listserv ultimately serves
>"higher education", it occurs that it should,
>perhaps, react a little less exclusively in such
>Who really cares if the email came from yahoo,
>as long as it is addressing some issue of
>technology related to higher ed???
>A thought,
>Amanda Lay wrote:
> >
> > No your wrong Dean,
> > I didn't like what you said either and i don't like how unprofession this
> > listserv is.. i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S.O.R.R.Y that i didn't subscribe
> > because i thought i did, using the yahoo email address... Maybe you all
> > should just not jump to conclusions next time because this is a site filled
> > with uptight people... Just give me a break.. I mean the only reason that i
> > posted what i have on this site was because i thought that this site was
> > filled with intellectual people that will respond to my issue....
> > appparently not... now that you all have said what you wanted to say... i
> > can finish my report on this listserv and the not so professional people
> > that are signed up to it... God i have alot to say on the response i have
> > been getting in my thesis that i am completing... :)
> > Your Not Truly
> > Amanda
>Daryl Benoit
>Vermont Center for Geographic Information &
>The Center for Rural Studies,
>University of Vermont
>Burlington, VT 05405
>(802) 656-2048
>[log in to unmask]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>And in the end the love you take
>   is equal to the love you make...
>(-Lennon, McCartney, 1969)