Subject: Virtual Briefing, Thursday, October 10, 1:00-2:30pm EDT
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 21:34:35 -0400
From: Laurie Burns <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[log in to unmask]>
Dear Colleagues:
As you may have seen in earlier announcements, Internet2
will host a very special Internet2 Virtual Briefing on
Thursday, October 10. The briefing will feature a
broadcast of Internet2 President Dr. Douglas Van
Houweling’s recent presentation at the EDUCAUSE 2002
Conference in Atlanta, Georgia where he was given the
EDUCAUSE Excellence in Leadership Award. Doug will
share how his experiences in information technology
leadership positions have shaped his thinking on value,
values, collaborations, and vision for higher education.
Following the broadcast, Doug will share his thoughts on
how the interplay of value and values, as well as work
in collaboration technologies, affect the Internet2
community. The October Briefing will also offer
participants an opportunity to engage in dialogue with
Doug about these and other vital community issues, via
email or H.323. Questions can be submitted at any time
to [log in to unmask]
Doug Van Houweling’s EDUCAUSE presentation will kick off
at 1:00 EDT; his Internet2 community-focused remarks and
the interactive Q & A session will begin at
approximately 1:50 EDT.
The EDUCAUSE Leadership Awards program recognizes
prominent leaders in the field of higher education
information technology management for significant
achievement and broad influence. The Excellence in
Leadership Award is the highest individual honor given
by the association and in 2002 has been given to
Douglas Van Houweling, President and CEO of Internet2,
for extraordinary effectiveness, influence,
statesmanship, and lifetime achievement, on both
individual campuses and the wider higher education
EDUCAUSE and Internet2 worked together to provide live
netcasts, in a variety of streaming media formats, of
two of the general sessions and all eight featured
speaker presentations at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference
in Atlanta, October 1-4, 2002. These sessions are now
archived in the EDUCAUSE Information Resources Library.
To access, go to the conference netcast URL: and
select a particular session. The Library abstract will
have a link to the Real Player file of the session.
Please join us on Thursday!
Laurie Burns, Director of Member Activities
3025 Boardwalk, Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Office: (734) 913-4251
Cell: (734) 604-9558