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January 2003


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Katie Rickel <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Inter Residence Association <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:23:57 -0500
text/plain (55 lines)
IRA General Body Meeting January 20, 2003


I hope everyone had a very relaxing and fun break and are ready to take on
another exhilarating semester of IRA!
Welcome to IRA Spring 2003!…

1. Welcome, names and questions
-Corin awesome selection of questions.
-Jackie and we have a 1 page essay on your failures.

2. Complex Reports
A. Jeanne Mance: Super bowl party with soda and subs, Valentine card
fundraiser, FINALLY buying movies and things for complex, Meetings:
Sundays @ 9:00
B. CWPS: Cat scratch not working in laundry room yet, complains about
security for doors, Meetings: Tuesday 7:00
C. MSHCR: New RA in Redstone! “His name is Clay, but I don’t really
know him that well, because I missed the floor meeting, but he is nice, he
is in ROTC and went running at 5:30a.m, Extreme times, Extreme measures!”-
Thank you Jackie, Meetings: Monday 7:00
D. WDW: T-Shirts for community council, Meetings: everyother Monday 6-
6:30, Want to set-up meeting for REDSTOCK
E. HM: No ice cream machine, Meetings: Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
F. MAT: ACC is taking over for the old CC, doors are being propped,
Meetings: ?

3. Winterfest: Follow-up
-Great turn-out, great feedback, want to have it again next year
-Showed an I-movie and picture slides

4. Co-Sponsorship: Big Buddies
-3/4 students involved in Big Buddies live in resident halls
-Event involves reception, then painting pottery with the children
-50 children and 50 Big Buddies

5. Votes for Co-Sponsorship
A. $2,000 for Anna Deavere
B. Purprosal for Dave Chappelle
-$10,000; if on-campus students have a discounted rate of $5
or 3,000 and we receive a rebate

6. USA Today Readership program: IRA is a supporter of the program
and will be contributing. There will be a proposal in May to increase the
IRA fee by $2 to pay for the program

7. IRA’s goals for Spring 2003
-Committees? To break up general body meetings

*General Body Meetings are Changed to Mondays 8:30pm, Next meeting MAT!

Have a great week! Try to stay warm Brrrrrrrrrrrr Ciao!