Just to add my bit to the discussion of the Brandon-Hill lists from last
week, the lists have never gone through the regular BMLA/JMLA peer
review process. MLA published the lists in the BMLA/JMLA as an
effective way of distributing them. Now they can be made available more
quickly through the Brandon-Hill website. Therefore, librarians should
consider the lists as published on the Brandon-Hill website to be just
as authoratative as they have been when printed in the BMLA/JMLA.
As noted in other comments, the announcement about the Brandon-Hill
lists no longer appearing in the JMLA is in my January editorial
(http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=141179), "The Art
and Science of Making Choices".
T. Scott Plutchak
Editor, Journal of the Medical Library Association
Director, Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
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