Sorry for the slow reporting. On the way to Dead Creek Area on October 25,
2003 we stopped at the pond across form the Brookside Inn outside of Fair
Haven and saw:
3- red tail hawks, 3 snow geese, 1 canada goose, 30 green wing teal, 2 black
ducks, and 2 mallards
At East Creek Access:
3 ring billed gulls, 2 green wing teal
In Shoreham:
1-turkey vulture, 4 great blue herons
At McLuen's Slang:
2 veery, 3-ruby crowned kinglets, 30+ yellow rump warblers,2- downey
woodpeckers, 1 hairy woodpecker, 5 American robins, 50+ cedar waxwings, 20+
white throated sparrows, 1 Sharp shin hawk hunting, 5 white-breated
nuthatch, and 50 Red-winged blackbirds
At Tri-Town:
85-cedar waxwings, 3-blue jays, 10-yellow rump warblers, 1-downy woodpecker,
5-American robins, 2 whitebreasted nuthatch, 10 goldfinch, 1 common loon,
2000+ starlings, 1 ruby crowned kinglet
Entrance to Briylea:
15 American black ducks, 20 mallards, 25 green wing teal, and 2 female
Barbara Powers & Ruth Stewart
Manchester Center
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