Subj: PT/TP 11-03 People's Tribune Radio / Speakers
Date: 11/11/03 11:55:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
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People's Tribune/Tribuno del Pueblo (Online Edition)
Vol. 30 No. 15/ November, 2003
P.O. Box 3524, Chicago, IL 60654
The Crisis in California
Is California's crisis a result of a conscious corporate agenda?
One thing is for sure, the great North East blackout shows that
California's trends will be coming to a state near you. Steve
Miller discusses the need to go forward to a new future.
Predatory Lending
Debt is becoming a means of controlling people's lives. Mike
Thornton interviews Robert Manning, author of "Credit Card
Nation." Extra, Somos One shares spoken words with listeners from
International Blvd in Fruitvale, CA.
Planning Terrorism
The "War on Terror" is sucking the life out of US society.
Billions of dollars are being dumped into the "Defense" budget.
Tony Zaragoza interviews William Takamatsu Thompson about the
corporate relationships within the Bush Administration and control
in the Middle East.
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Speakers for a New America
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Here's a sample of our outstanding roster of speakers. Visit our
website for a complete listing.
BEN MANSKI, co-chair of the Green Party, has written and spoken
extensively about the corporate takeover of education.
WILLIAM J. WATKINS, a major scholar and theoretician in the field
of education, is author of the book , "The White Architects of
Black Education: Ideology and Power in America, 1865-1954."
Gloria Slaughter a retired public school teacher with 32 years
experience, dreams of the day when public education is "fully
funded by the government to offer every child in America an equal,
quality education."
LUIS RODRIGUEZ, one of the leading Latino writers in the country,
speaks to students and teachers about the role of art in sparking
a conscious struggle for an equitable and abundant world for all.
LIZ MONGE, an educator and member of the League of Revolutionaries
for a New America, says, that education must be a right and not
relegated to the few who can afford it.
This article originated in the PEOPLE'S TRIBUNE/TRIBUNO DEL PUEBLO
(Online Edition), Vol. 30 No. 15/ November, 2003; P.O. Box 3524,
Chicago, IL 60654; Email: [log in to unmask];
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