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January 2004


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Marc Emile Hartigan <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Campus Activities Team <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Jan 2004 21:24:09 -0500
text/plain (34 lines)
Hey CATs,
Hope everyone's having an EXCELLENT break so far! Mine is coming to a quick end
next week because of RA training, but i can't wait to get back and jump into
things. For Christmas i got a pair of green Hulk hands that make noise when you
punch things, and five sweaters that all pretty much look the same...what'd
everyone else get??
Just a couple things to consider:
1) Remember to have the retreat dates (Feb. 6/7) off from
work/school/partying/etc. We're planning on meeting at 2:45, unless you email
me with conflicts. Let me know ASAP. Summer's been workin her arse off putting
this all together and from the sound of it, it's going to be a hell of a time!
2) For the new semester we want to jumpstart our way in new innovative ways of
advertising. One is through AOL Instant Messenger. Only prob is i haven't
thought of a cool name to go. It has to be simple but unique. Ideas: UVMCats,
CampusActTeam...any of yours?? Email 'em out to us, we want to hear. Soon as
it's set up it'll be running in the office 24/7 and have daily/weekly updates.
I'm asking all of you to stop by and put buddies of yours on, you can even
separate them into your own category, so we can have a build up of names. I
think this is a great idea and will reach a lot of people.
3) I've noticed that the names on the CATs door don't include the newbies (i do
not want to call them kittens, because that is just too weird to me). SO, you
need the get them up there, pronto! And your hometowns labeled on our huge map
of the US. Remember, this is EVERYONE'S office, not just the workstudy's. Also,
nobody ever spends any time in the office. I think this should change for next
semester. Melisa was asking me about having a one mandatory office hour a week
for each CAT. I would REALLY not like to put this on you guys, so since i will
be in there from 11-2 Mon-Thur, which are our hours, i would hope to see
everyone stop by from time to time. Come grab lunch at Cooks and eat it in
there and chat with me... i promise i won't bite.
Let me know how everything's going with ya'll. See you soon!