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January 2004


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Bryan Dague <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 11:29:24 -0500
text/plain (113 lines)
APSE is offering an Employment Teletraining Series.  This is a great
opportunity for training without the travel. You need to go to the APSE
web page ( to register for the training sessions. Once
registered, you will download the Powerpoint Presentation on your computer
and follow along with the presenter who will be on the phone. You can set
up a speaker phone and have several staff participate. The rates are as

$65 per session for APSE members
$95 per session for non-members

For a complete schedule and more information check the website at:

February 3, 2004 2:00 - 4:00 (eastern time)
Job Development: Raising Your Comfort Level
Tyler Paris, Region VIII CRP RCEP, CTAT, Denver, Colorado

This session continues the discussions of the job development process, with
more on sales and customer service strategies, many from personal
experiences in the business world. Tyler has a magical way of introducing
his audience to the business community and walking them through strategies
for successfully connecting with those with potential jobs.
Recommended audience: Job Developers

February 4, 2004 2:00 - 4:00 (eastern time)
Job Coaching: Functional Analysis: What, Why, and How
Wendy Quarles, Coordinator of Training and Technical Assistance, CRP-RRCEP,
University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Wendy Quarles' skill for combining lectures with interactive opportunities
in her training sessions makes this an invaluable opportunity for the front
line job coach. In this session she will discuss the importance of
Functional Assessments in the vocational assessment, exploration, and goal
planning process, and then guide participants through the design of a
Functional Assessment process that can be applied within their programs.
Recommended audience: Job Coaches

February 10, 2004 2:00 - 4:00 (eastern time)
Employment Opportunities:
Self-Employment - People Who Own Themselves
Cary Griffin, Senior Partner, Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLP, Florence, Montana

Why would anyone prefer the risks of self-employment to wage employment?
Isn't self-employment risky? Isn't self-employment for young capitalists
with unbounded energy, stamina, and intense business savvy? This session
exposes the many myths of self-employment and uses numerous examples to
demonstrate business feasibility, licensing structures, marketing
approaches, financing opportunities, pricing, rehabilitation and natural
supports, and how to go about getting started. A planning map is provided
to assist participants in the critical thinking that any business start-up
will need to be successful. Anyone in supported employment should
participate in a Cary Griffin session - they will never view employment
opportunities the same way.
Recommended Audience: Job Coaches, Job Developers, Management, Consumers
and Family Members

February 11, 2004 1:00 - 3:00 (eastern time)
Employment Opportunities: Medicaid and SE
Becky Banks, MA, LSW, Community Coordinator, Center on Community Living and
Careers, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN and Melissa Wittman, National Consortium of Health Systems
Development, Chicago, IL

Did you know that potentially up to 99% of day support dollars are
available through Medicaid? How can you tap into these Medicaid resources
to build capacity for employment services and set new precedents within
your state to remove barriers to employment? This teleconference session
will help participants understand the federal policies regarding Medicaid
and employment initiatives. Participants will learn what Medicaid has to
offer regarding employment supports, what is on the horizon, and learn how
to explore what resources are available in your state. Becky Banks led the
charge for change in her state, and Melissa Wittman provides technical
assistance to a number of states with a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant.
From the cutting edge of state level Medicaid change, they will share
strategies to become informed and involved to collaborate with state
partners to tap into the "new wave" and expand Medicaid and employment

February 19, 2004 2:00 - 4:00 (eastern time)
New Horizons: Organizational Change Strategies That Work: Shifting to
Community Services
Pat Rogan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Education, and Research
Associate, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana
University, Indianapolis, Indiana

In this session participants will learn from the "pro" on organizational
change. Pat Rogan, who has published and lectured widely on agency change
over from integrated to inclusive employment options will share common and
unique strategies that organizational leaders have used to shift their
services from facility-based to community-based. The discussion will focus
on aligning the organizational structure, human resource practices, and
service delivery approach to achieve quality outcomes. Other topics include
funding issues, getting stakeholder buy-in, addressing safety net issues,
and marketing.
Recommended audience: Management, local and state officials

* * * * * * * * * *
Bryan Dague
University of Vermont
Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
101 Cherry Street, Suite 450
Burlington, VT 05401-4439

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 802-656-1345
Fax: 802-656-1357