March 2004


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Mary Coleman Howland <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Choice Coalition <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 07:44:02 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
Hello Everyone,

Great panel coming up on Tuesday, March 9th, featuring Activists just returned
from both Iraq and Palestine!

Sponsored by UVM Students Against War, Burlington Anti-war Coalition, Students
for Peace and Global Justice and the International Socialist Organization.

Hope to see you there,

Eyewitness To Occupation
>From Iraq to Palestine

A Panel Discussion Featuring:

Khury Petersen-Smith – A Campus Antiwar Network student organizer at New York's
Rochester Institute of Technology, recently returned from Iraq where he
represented the Campus Antiwar Network on a peace delegation organized by
United for Peace and Justice, Global Exchange and Occupation Watch.

Kim Ead – Director of the Peace and Human Rights Project at the Peace and
Justice Center, recently returned from a trip to Palestine to witness the
Israeli occupation.

Bush and his cronies promised Iraqis liberation and told the American people
that Iraqis would welcome U.S. troops with open arms as liberators. The
reality of the occupation has proved vastly different. Come hear first hand
accounts of the occupations of both Iraq and Palestine, and how we can organize
opposition to them.

For more information contact (802) 318-3453

Tuesday, March 9th @ 7:30 in Williams 301

Sponsored by UVM Students Against War and the Burlington Anti-war Coalition
Get on the Bus March 20th to protest Bush and his occupation!